I had a cold last week. I admit I felt kinda funny when I had it. Like it was something else. Because of the weakness and fatigue. Heck at this point Covid is just a normal cold right. 🤔 Gee...isn't that something. ☺And just like that it has become what it has become. But some of us here know the real deal behind this story now. Have you ever had COVID 19 before.🙄
Had it in Jan 2022. Spending an entire year being dizzy and nauseous every day. Missed a lot of work and my quality of life significantly deteriorated. I saw every specialist My doctor could find for me and everyone said I was perfectly healthy. I did end up going to acupuncture, which has helped with the dizziness and nausea significantly but Ive noticed that if I’m not going regularly, it comes back. I’ve gotten so much better now, but there are still a lot of things that I can’t do that. I used to love doing.
Had it in January 2021. Wasnt really ill for a long time with the virus. However its left my lungs severely scared and now i have asthma and allergies. Im on Copd inhalers and other medications.
I had it in 2020 and was down hard for two weeks. It took almost a year before my sense of smell and taste came back. To this day I cannot stand the taste of anything salty anymore.
I had it in late 2019 before we knew what it was (or before the public knew). People on our floor had been overseas on business and brought it back with them.
It was basically a bad cold that lasted for two weeks but there was no lasting damage that we discovered. Of course testing is better now but I’m not interested in discovering issues that can’t be fixed.
I had it, and i had long covid also . The fatigue didn't go away for months the only thing that made me feel better was taking b12s and drinking vitamin water. The doctor gave me that medication with the nasty taste, that lasted for weeks i couldn't taste anything i was so miserable.
I think which strain you happen to contract definitely plays a big role in how ill you’ll get…as well as any pre-existing conditions/age (just like with the flu)
If you are young it's like a normal cold but if you are older or have pre-existing conditions, it can be fatal as the statistics show clearly. Sick of conspiracy thieories you are treading on thin ice
Stay away from that vax ok. Remember I told you so.
In 2021, the 75% of Americans fully vaccinated produced under 20% of the Covid deaths, while the 25% unvaccinated Americans produced over 80% of the Covid deaths.
In 2021, the 75% of Americans fully vaccinated produced under 31% of Covid cases; while the 25% unvaccinated Americans produced nearly 70% of Covid cases.
This means the US unvaccinated had a 5X higher chance of contracting Covid compared to the vaccinated per capita, and that overall the unvaccinated had about a 15X higher probability of Covid death per capita.
For more details, see https://similarworlds.com/disease-illness/vaccines/4268857-Covid-Vaccine-effectiveness-data-from-the-US-2021
@ElwoodBlues False. No deflections. Just truth. Fake numbers. Fake stats. Fake everything. You were duped. Just be a man for once in your life and admit it. Thank you. ☺
And you know this HOW??? You keep deflecting and deflecting from this question!!
The question still remains: is it safer getting vaccinated or not getting vaccinated. And the numbers are overwhelmingly in favor of the vaccine. Your only response to the overwhelming numbers from all 50 states and all developed countries is to deny the numbers. You've been bamboozled by the conspiracy theorists and the science deniers.
@ElwoodBlues Yes. When people tell me their own personal stories about this vaccination I believe them. So forget the fake news. And forget you too. No deflection here. Your words are irrelevant.👈Thank you. ☺
No one cares about covid at this point. The masses got duped into thinking it was the end.
Too many inconsistent stories.
The moment I knew it was BS is when they were talking on the news about the hospitals were filled and they had to set up tents outside. Of course independent researchers went to these hospitals and found no tents, hospital was normal capacity...
Of course people are gullible so they made excuses for why "It is all real!".
@Punches And the general public rejected it. I remember seeing the sign for it last year at Big Blue . And people in the store just walked right past it. ☺
@Zonuss I imagine the people who jumped on the vax bandwagon are probably the ones more likely to "panic buy". Just a guess.
I guess the good news is that covid is practically unheard of. I was in the hospital some weeks ago over something minor. ANYways, I saw no masks, they didn't even mention vax, everything normal.
ALTHOUGH, they did some blood work and felt the need to remind me I have type 2 diabetes, so I guess the medical field has reverted back to that "go-to" scare.
I should have mentioned that I might have covid in my right bicep, it's been giving me problems for months now.