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Why do people think it's ok to force others to do what they want them to do. How gross it is.

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smiler2012 · 61-69
@sahi81🤔then it is up too that individual too have the conviction too say hey this is wrongand challenge the bullying and aggresion
sahi81 · 22-25, F
@smiler2012 that's what i did yesterday, i fought and rebelled against my mother. She was like this since i was a kid, forced me to join classes, wear clothes, do hobbies, etc of what she wants me to even if i like them or not and when i refused she used to beat me or shout at me. Yesterday she got angry and behaved like mental when i said "no" to her when she was asking me to learn scooty , so i fought with her.

I was tired of listening to her every demand out of fear of fighting with her.

I think it's better to stay away from her for my own sanity. No idea why she does all this and also thinks she is doing for good. But for me , it feels like emotional torture.
softheart1234 · 22-25, M
@sahi81 I think she is not want to fight with you she want you to follow her and want your bright future i know this time you will feel like life sucks but it's also true most of the parents force them to follow what they want I think you should talk to her calmly and sometimes you should follow her sometimes not it can make balance in your relationship and good understanding..
sahi81 · 22-25, F
@softheart1234 i don't mind following her if she is being reasonable, tells the reason behind why she wants me to do all those, tells me in nice way instead of just nagging and getting mean if things don't go her way.

She gave me no free-time or free-will when i was with her when i was a kid. Now i rebel back so she won't force her will on me.

I still remember when she made me buy the dress she wanted instead of the dress i wanted when i was a kid for my birthday. I still think the dress i wanted was better and nothing was wrong with it ( in terms of size, shape, length, etc), idk why she did it! Back then i shallowed up my tears because i believed i should listen to elders.

There is no free-will with her. Just being around her takes away my peace of mind. I don't hate her but sometimes i want my free-will, kindness and peace.
Yes that feelings sucks
HumanEarth · F
Government does it to people all the time and people follow along like sheep

Like chemicals in the food supply and GMOs

Big pharmaceutical companies with their drugs and vaccines
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
Because they were told they are always right and World has to follow them.

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