Yes, exposing our souls by writing something online leaves us open to ridicule. Build a stronger exterior and don't allow people to affect you negatively. If they are negative, it's on them, not you.
Hey, welcome. You’re subject to the often, “ hey dude”, etc. Comes with the SW territory, particularly regarding political issues.
If you get such responses, it’s most likely because they disagree with you. It’s not a personal thing.
If you get such responses, it’s most likely because they disagree with you. It’s not a personal thing.
Sometimes it's a misunderstanding in communication. It's good to ask for feedback . But ...sometimes it could be anothers perception of you is just different than you expect or it can be them projecting on you
Pambie · 22-25, F
Yes, I can certainly relate. What is wrong with people?
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Why do you suppose that is?
Don't bother trying to be nice - most people aren't impressed with those who always appear 'nice' per se. Instead just be yourself and f*** what anyone else thinks.
YoMomma ·
What exactly were you saying?
acpguy · C
If you are a liberal / socialist then you know your problem as 99% of them do not have common sense. Cut out the fake news and possibly get educated at a conservative controlled school.