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My dad died a number of years ago and the saddest part about the whole thing

is that my life just got a lot easier for him being gone,and I feel a huge amount of jealousy towards everyone who will miss there's.

I don't remember even crying, I just felt all that pressure melt away. I guess sometimes I miss our conversation about things or being educated in topics that answered questions I'd had.

My dad was a brain even if he was a bit harsh on me, he's why I still care about Space and Rocket Launches and all like he taught me about how we were barreling towards an Asteroid mining future of resources from outer space , etc.
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DoubleRings · 51-55, F
Death and grief are complicated. You can miss some aspects but still be relieved too. I was a bit shameful myself to admit at one point several years ago, that if anyone in my immediate family had died my life would have ultimately became a bit easier than it was. And when my dad died it kind of did. Although like you, I still miss him. He and everyone else in the family at that time, leaned heavily and mercilessly on me to do eeeeevvverything. Since dad passed they’ve kind of been on their own. I guess that’s the best way to put it.
Gusman · 61-69, M
If people, including our parents were/are hard on us then there will always be a bit of aversion towards them.
Does not mean there was not an modicum of affection for them.
Simply no strong bond between the parties.
ArtieKat · M
I can identify, to a certain extent, with what you're saying

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