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Went into the city on Friday for a Doctor Appointment

Before hand I bought some new clothes.
My last purchase, a shirt was placed in a small paper bag with handles.
Within 15 minutes of this purchase I was no longer in possession. Placed it down somewhere and left it there.
I immediately went back to the store and bought another one.
$30 gone, someone has a new shirt courtesy of Gusman
Shadyglow · F
I feel for you. Just bought a new digital cam because the last one went missing for the last time (till it comes back) and immediately I lost the little "card" I had to buy at same time, new one is another $10
also I got a new battery for a laptop, that was supposed to get it working, now the hard disk quit, how'd THAT happen and that is $170 so no computer and they wont refund me for the unused batt

The beat goes on... Credit Cards could/can scalp u for anything and I have Discover (one card takes care of u) but now they just sold out to scalper company "CapitalOne" (for poor people with NO capital or hope)
Missbirdie1986 · 36-40, F
That happened to me when I was younger, with my cousin I bought a adidas jumper and I left it on the bus none took it from me but that was a big deal for me
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
I once did something similar with a suit jacket.
Only i was wearing it at the time.

For weeks afterwards I had a waistcoat and trousers hanging in the wardrobe but never did discover where I'd left it.
Gusman · 61-69, M
@Picklebobble2 Some would have come across it. With luck it fit them perfectly. 🙂
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@Gusman That's the only way to look at it i think 😁
Carissimi · F
That’s awful. Couldn’t you trace your steps back, and see if it was still there?
Gusman · 61-69, M
@Carissimi I done that. Nowhere to be found.
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