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Sometimes i have a hard time seeing what others see in me

I alway considered myself average and nothing much but everywhere i go people say that they think of me when im not around. That i give life to everywhere i go. Somehow i can light up a room. I wonder if they would see me the same if they knew me when i hated the world. When i wanted to see the world burn. The people i hurt with my words. It such a humbling experience to know im valued. Im not used to that. Had two people tell me how much they care about my presence in a group im going lately. Here i am tearing up knowing i finally found a place i belong.
MellyMel22 · F
Well I see it too. It’s just you. You don’t even have to try. Accept it already 🤣
You found where you belong :) lota peeps never find it
SeaGlass · F
When you thought I had blocked you, I felt pretty special. I know you don't mean here but that's where I know you and it makes sense to me
Bang5luts · M
I think you're hilarious bruh! Like seriously. This place would definitely be duller without you
empanadas · 31-35, M
@Bang5luts i meant the real world but thank you.
Bang5luts · M
@empanadas I figured, but if you are like that here than why wouldn't you be like that offline also.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
Believe them when they say these things because it’s true.

During that time when you wanted to see the world burn, that came from a place of hurt and betrayal. No one important is going to fault you for this because I don’t blame you for feeling this way.

Look at all that you have gone through because it’s made you who you are today. A person that lights up the room, gives life and value to people. I would say that’s pretty amazing and I am not surprised when people say those things about you my friend 🩷.

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