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Is solipsism selfish

I’ve been told that being a solipsist is to be egotistical and self centered but I disagree. Why are religious beliefs socially accepted but when it comes to philosophical beliefs people just call you crazy and not accepted.
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That's a thought-provoking dilemma! It's interesting that you bring up the contrast between religious and philosophical beliefs. Perhaps the key difference lies in the fact that believers rely on faith and acceptance, whereas philosophical beliefs, like solipsism, can be more individualistic and challenge the status quo. Just because solipsism may not align with mainstream thinking doesn't mean it's inherently egotistical or self-centered. It's essential to separate criticism of an idea from personal attacks or assumptions about one's character or beliefs. Keep exploring and questioning. Remember that followers of Jesus were attacked just as much as those who were still searching, and still are, some even losing their lives. But Jesus said, "I shall keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Me, because he trusts in Me." Isaiah 26:3

Scripture says that God is not the author of confusion. When we follow Jesus, he helps us think straight, and guides our life through His Holy Spirit. He really is our safe place in a confused and troubled world. Jesus said "Come to Me, and I will give you rest."

Matthew 11:28 - Jesus said, "Come unto Me, all who are weary and overburdened and I will give you rest."

We can search the world over but there is no substitute for the love, peace, and joy that Jesus gives. He is the answer. He will never leave you nor abandon you.

Convivial · 26-30, F
It's all about control... We don't want you going off thinking for yourself... Stay with the herd....
FriedDoughnuts · 18-21
@Convivial it’s hard to think that people try to make me stick with the heard when I know that neither them or the heard exists
Convivial · 26-30, F
@FriedDoughnuts just shows how subtle they are😜
DallasCowboysFan · 61-69, M
Because the average person is familiar with religious tenets, but not so much for philosophy. And philosophers have a reputation , right or wrong, for sitting under a tree with other philosophers discussing issues but not producing anything of value, they 'don't work for a living'.

But philosophers have to know a little about everything, and they are among those with the highest IQ's. Socrates said that philopshers should rule nations, because they are logical and would rule fairly , unlike politicians.
Welcome to the thousand contradictions of life, where people assume and create ideas based upon years of beliefs, and when people don't really want to change they fall upon the old statuses and beliefs of years before. Most beliefs before could be called community solipsism, but they'd never dare question this way.
Miram · 31-35, F
They don't understand that an epistemological stance about what can be known for certain doesn't have to be an ethical framework. The conflation is just an oversimplification.
Reject · 26-30, M
That’s the definition of the word. The entire point of solipsism is to be selfish or self centered. Sure it’s because you think your mind is the only one that exists, but why you’re egotistical doesn’t change that you are.
Reject · 26-30, M
@FriedDoughnuts You’re being selfish to all the people who aren’t solipsists. Since they’re all a part of you, you’re being selfish to yourself. It’s all about you after all. Selfish is very simple to define. It’s concern that is excessively or exclusively for oneself.
FriedDoughnuts · 18-21
@Reject but there isn’t anyone who isn’t a solipsist?
Reject · 26-30, M
@FriedDoughnuts Well, I’m not a solipsist. Since I’m in your mind though and I know you lack consideration for anyone else since we’re not real, feel free to think I am one.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Closed systems are self centered is why. Open ended systems are considered infinite.

Theologically there's no end to the "god". So it SEEMS to be open ended.

This is not true though. It's only a appearance of being open. Even the Bible says "I am the alpha and the Omega" Rev 1:8.

Being selfish is considered closed minded. And therefore a end to it. The Omega part.

There has yet to be a open ended belief. So it's all selfish!
seaglass · F
As a solipsist, you'd think you wouldn't care whether or not it was accepted. I'm no expert on it, tho
Louis54 · 70-79, M
Why should you care what others think if you are a solipsist?
FriedDoughnuts · 18-21
@Louis54 because the feeling I feel in reaction to what people say about me is real
solipsism is such a fun word to say
BatmanIRL · T
@HijabaDabbaDoo maybe for you. I can’t say it😂
@BatmanIRL rhymes with trollop but with an ism

Call me shakespeare 🫡
BatmanIRL · T
@HijabaDabbaDoo you’re a legend in poetry. You’re name will forever go down in history
Not all religious beliefs are socially acceptable everywhere.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
I'm totally fine with calling religious beliefs crazy and unacceptable. As to being a solopsist, I guess reactions would depend on which definition you are using: the philosophical or the general? The only thing we can know is ourselves vs the only thing you care about is yourself.

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