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Your life can change overnight

After the first day of school at 5 years old, I stopped playing with dolls because “I’m a student now.” It was as if a switch had been flipped inside me, a new chapter beginning where dolls suddenly seemed too childish, too distant from the responsibilities and challenges of being a student.

And at 15, after reading about vegetarianism, I stopped eating meat for 5 years because it completely lost its appeal. There were ethical considerations for animal welfare, environmental concerns over the impact of meat production, and a growing awareness of health benefits from a plant-based diet.

Again still, at 36, I uprooted my secure, financially stable life in Florida to travel the world and grow as a person, woman, teacher, and musician.

Time and time again, I grew out of something that wasn’t serving me. These examples just scratch the surface. Slowly, then all at once, like a tree being pulled out at the roots. Each change was a process of shedding old skins, a shedding that sometimes felt like losing a part of myself but always led to a clearer sense of who I was becoming.

Patterns of growth are not always clear in the moment but reveal themselves in hindsight! This is why everyone should be bold, brave, and willing to embrace change even if it seems terrifying!
My question would be, why do we always have to do what other people say is good for us or that we should be changing or adjusting to? What happened to our own God-given sense of having the intelligence to know for ourselves, by instinct and wisdom, what is best for us, without being forced? Is it really smart to leave a secure job, when jobs are more and more scarce every day? I mean if that's what you felt was best, then all power to you and I wish you the best, but that could also backfire. If you had another job waiting for you, that seems more sensible to me, but in this day and age that seems way too risky, to me, anyway.

Like a tree being pulled out of its roots, is right! That's not normal, nor is it healthy for the tree!

If we allow it, people will tell us what we are, who we are, what we should be doing, how we should be dressing, and controlling every aspect of our Lives, if we will allow it. That's what I had been used to and suffered from my parents, who obviously thought I must be an idiot and I can't think for myself, which led to horrible low opinions of myself. Low self-esteem. I resented it. To me, that's not freedom.
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@EgleTunes100K As long as it made you happy, then I am happy for you. ❤️🤗
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smiler2012 · 56-60
@EgleTunes100K 🤔well nobody can ever accuse you of being not being decisive and not knowing what you want lol 😆
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RedBaron · M
And my niece, albeit bipolar and on the autism spectrum, plays with dolls at 31.
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exita · 26-30, F
you are right !! life changes and we do too ! so all we can do is to appreciate every beautiful thing we have, kind people in our life , loved ones , loved pets , and apreciate nature who were always the cure for our hearts 😻💖
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exita · 26-30, F
@EgleTunes100K no,its ok 😊 just kidding 😻 have a lovely day my friend 🙏😻
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I totally get what you are saying and I agree with you. It is nice to have your own path and your own destiny. Tackling what scares you so you can make it work on your own terms. It is also comforting to meet a musician because music is where I find my peace. Welcome to Similar Worlds. Hope you find what you are looking for here
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@EgleTunes100K I would like that thank you 😁
dale74 · M
I have a hard time eating vegetables because when they plant vegetables in a farm they literally kill every animal that was in that field whether it be rabbit squirrels groundhogs Chipmunks prairie dogs moles all of those animals they kill every last one of them.
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Nick1 · 61-69, M
You have lived a free spirited wonderful life.
New beginnings has its own challenges, but it always gives a good experience and makes you better prepared for next one.
Congratulations for living your life to the fullest.
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Nick1 · 61-69, M
@EgleTunes100K It may not be easy, but it is satisfying, irrespective of success or failure.
Failure can be a step towards success. All it needs is a positive mindset.
Most people like to stay in their comfort zone. They always doubt anyone who wants to step out of comfort zone. All it matters is you have positive attitude.
I entered kindergarten when 4 yrs old. I'd never been around kids my age all that much before so I couldn't understand why they were all acting like, well... children. Whining, crying, hitting one another...
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LilRedGod · 31-35, M
Haha just make sure we don't pull the *sid* from toy story and blow Up the dolls! 🤣 Or make Frankenstein dolls
LilRedGod · 31-35, M
@EgleTunes100K haha well hopefully they didn't pull a *sid* poor Dolly's probably got blown up! 🤣😜
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LilRedGod · 31-35, M
@EgleTunes100K well hopefully they survived the war! 🤪
Change can be hard for a lot of people. You embraced it and made it a part of you.
XxEllaxRawrxX · 13-15
I'm thirteen and still have monster high dolls :>
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XxEllaxRawrxX · 13-15
@EgleTunes100K They do haha <3
in10RjFox · M
After the first day of school at 5 years old, I stopped playing with dolls because “I’m a student now.”

Really wonderful take on life. I hate the concept treating children as kids and not allow them to mature, by blocking them from real life. Just hate the parenting that creates a world of illusion for children.

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