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What's your saddest most crushing moment?

I saw this TikTok and it had the most real and saddest comments I've ever read.
Some examples of people's comments:
Its the drive home after my mom died knowing I'd never see her again
Its the feeling of doing CPR even though you know they are actually dead
Its the sound of your doctor telling you your life will never be the same again....
Its the car ride home after leaving the hospital no longer pregnant, but with no baby

Its life and it can be hard
Fairydust · F
When my ex husband beat me up in front of my two kids and accused me of being a bad wife and mother. I was completely broken inside, I felt the hate in him.
Fairydust · F

It broke me inside, no one should have to go through that. 😞
LilPrincess · 41-45, F
@Fairydust I'm sorry. I went through 10 yrs of domestic abuse and wouldn't wish it on anyone
Fairydust · F

I’m sorry you went through that 😞💞✨
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Hearing the diagnosis that my wife has dementia and there's no cure or even real treatment.
Ducky · 31-35, F
My uncle getting a pancreatic cancer diagnosis with an expectancy of maybe a year, two years if lucky, to live. Then exactly one week after his diagnosis, he was gone.
When the doctors took me to a small conference room in the ICU and told me, “yes, he’s going to die.”

When the oncologist told me at my mom’s bedside that she had 2-3 months to live.
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
I don't wanna go over the story because no one will understand but I was basically humiliated in front of my whole family and all my neighbors.
morrgin · F
@SinlessOnslaught I'm sorry. Humiliation makes everything hard and sticks with you for a long time
LilPrincess · 41-45, F
I have had more than my fair share of these.

Learning my dad committed suicide was just one of many.
meggie · F
Being disowned by my family when I left their religion
val70 · 51-55
Personally, it was when I told my mom who was terribly ill with parkinson dementia to let go whenever possible. That she'll see my grandparents again in heaven. Although she wasn't obvious conscious she reacted with a last effort to fight her condition. Two weeks later she was given morphine for the last time and died in her sleep in front of me and my dad 😢
twistedrope · 26-30, M
Just one of them... The time I heard a girl i had a crush on when I was 8 tell her friend not to tell me she had gotten an average on the exam we both took.

I barely knew the girl, had two conversations and had been trying to catch up to her level to be in her groups in class. Eventually, I did and made it to the top of the class. This exam was a national exam and I wanted to beat her so badly but assumed she had gotten a score in the highest bracket, top 2% in the country. I got that bracket though. When I learned my score after weeks of waiting, I wanted to share it with her.

I had come to show off my score and when I heard what she said to her friend friend, my entire world shattered in that moment. I realized I had come to make someone I wanted to have a relationship with feel shame. Ashamed to tell me because she wasn't "good enough". Eventually she saw me in thought and we spoke. I told her my score and she looked happy but I felt nothing but shame. I didn't ask, I left and sat down out of sight to have a good cry. Her friend did tell me a few days later and I acknowledged it without anything else.

I have never since that moment ever showed off my intelligence or achievements and felt good about them.
Guardian · 56-60, M
My saddest most crushing moment was when my GF told me she spontaneously aborted our child.
TexChik · F
Life unfortunately always has those moments . Its part of it . Losing my parents was like that .
TexChik · F
@morrgin betrayal of the heart is so terrible. Im so sorry
morrgin · F
@TexChik its the worst mind fvck Ive ever experienced. Its been a year so far. I have therapy 2 x a week and made great progress, but still suffering horribly from it everyday.
TexChik · F
@morrgin i have ptsd from childhood trauma. I understand how it goes .
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
Phone call from my mom informing me that my dad had passed. He had been suffering with poor health for a while, but that still didn't make it easy.
Misspotat · 22-25, F
They day I was told Jesus doesn’t have a beard or a personality and Christ has many tattoos I pissed myself. Oh dear, life is truly amazing.
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Oster1 · M
@YMITheWayIM I always felt that you are, an MD. 😊❤️👍🏻🙏🏻
YMITheWayIM · 46-50, M
@Oster1 I dropped out of MD after spending just one year to study law and political science, and I was in the hospital just as another civilian.
Oster1 · M
@YMITheWayIM I took the same path. Still, I have much respect! 👍🏻😊

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