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Ever get decision paralysis?

You have so much to do in a little amount of time, that you can't decide what to do first, and then you do nothing? Which then of course makes everything even worse.
Carissimi · F
I suffered from this my whole life, so I now have a routine, and by following it, especially in the mornings, it keeps me on track. I find writing a list of “to do” list also helps. I never finish the whole list in one day, so carry over tasks daily until it’s complete.
HeavenBesideYou · 56-60, F
Yes! Sometimes it takes me forever to choose something, and chores can definitely get overwhelming to the point I get nothing done. I’ve learned, with chores, to just do one thing, then maybe something else. That way I can get stuff accomplished.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
I heard it was drugs that cause that
LilPrincess · 41-45, F
At work is the only time I am a functioning adult. Outside of work I am like a squirrel that just had two Red Bulls😒
Not that I recall. I take a while to choose something sometimes, but I’m pretty decisive.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
All the time. Even when it really doesn't matter what gets done first.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
Yes, I suffer a little from executive dysfunction
TexChik · F
AKA brain fart?
come2gether · 46-50, M
@TexChik No, not the same. That's forgetting what you were going to do or were supposed to do. This is, you have so many tasks in front of you with a short deadline, that you struggle to decide what to do first, and then do nothing.
tenente · 100+, M
Only when I got stoned when I was younger and couldn't choose what to get at the store.

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