Regrets get you nowhere but drag you down further.. Focus on you cant change the past but you can still turn your future into what you have time. Small steps and goals to start with. Just getting up washed and dressed one day..dont put too much pressure on yourself..
I dont think anyone wants you to die . Im trying to find the right words to say to you . All i can come up with is , take it one breathe at a time . Take it one step at a time . Focus on the present . The past is gone now . Dont dwell on it . Stay in the present . Take deep breathes . Vent non stop if you must and those who are there to support you , accept their support .
Dude perk up theres always tomorrow. I recommend tty something new go out to a new place join a singlez group. Apply yourself to something completely new different thst interests take up a new hobby. Ditch ur current companions hang out somewhere new etc. I quit smoking but havent met anyone yet. Also i had a brain tumor so. Just remember it could be worse. I was waking in a hospital for 6 months no memory everyday when i woke up. So at least ur doing better than that. Eh?
I hope you feel good and hopeful.We all go through tough times .But it’s unfair to give up based on present circumstances.Fight for what you deserve.Love yourself .There’s not going to be anyone like you .not before you ,not after .So have patience.
You are not alone in feeling like this. Yes you are young but I know how much you just want to be gone and done with it. I have not done so because I don't want to cause pain to my children but I am content to go asap.
I understand this all to well because I have been having this battle too. It would be nice if life came with alm the answers. I was doing good until this week.