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Tomorrow🫤 (a more meaningful title)

I will not know until after 2pm what time exactly. Shoulder replacement surgery.
I knew it was coming, i told y'all about it. It just got here so quickly.
When i am able to type, i will fill you in on how it went. You can read if you are interested. Have an overnight at the hospital. I really hope i can use my phone. I will go bonkers if not. Last rotator cuff surgery i was able. This might be different. Yeah...different.
Should be a ride.
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DogMan · 61-69, M
I have been told that I need total shoulder replacement too. Already had one surgery,
to repair my rotator cuff, and reconnect my bicep to my shoulder, after breaking
my collar bone two different times many years ago.

Now I have bone on bone in the socket.

They can do great things these days with shoulders. I am an exercise addict, so
I have been diligent about some exercises that have brought relief to my
shoulder joint. After two years, I can do sleep on my right side, unless I over
do it at the gym, or doing other things. I have learned what to do, and NOT do.
But sometimes I still do stuff that I know will cause me pain for a while.

I was using a hammer drill overhead a couple weeks ago. It took a whole
week to recover.

I'm told that shoulder surgeries only last about 15 years. I figure I will wait
a few years, until I'm 75 or 80. Hopefully it will last until my 100th birthday.

I might have to quit riding dirt bikes when I hit 80.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@Carla Be very diligent with your Physical Therapy afterwards. That will make or
break your recovery. I have had a few orthopedic surgeries due to motorcycles,
but at 65, I'm still riding, due to exercise and physical therapy.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
I couldn’t agree more. I’ve had two full tear rotator cuff repairs over the last three years one shoulder each and diligent rehab is essential. Both shoulders feel like when I was thirty. In between there was a six bypass surgery with no preceding heart attack (how isn’t clear lol) and again rehab was and remains essential. For awhile when I did rehab I did two different types back to back to save travel time. @DogMan
DogMan · 61-69, M
@jackjjackson Yep, I will do my physical therapy for ever, along with my regular exercise.

People don't realize that exercise actually keeps pain at bay. Sedentary lifestyles cause
pain, so those people do less, and create more of a problem.
A retired RN here. I specialized in orth( pedics) and general surgery. It is uncomplicated. You will learn to make do with your other shoulder. It gets easier with practise. Dressing and wiping your perdonal areas as well as washing is a chore. Rest between activities. Ask friends for help with shopping, etc. Don't overdo it. Rest helps healing. You will do fine.
Piper · 61-69, F
All I know to say, is that I really, really hope the surgery will go as smoothly (and painlessly) as it possible can. It WILL...positive vibes and good thoughts and all that jazz. Not much comfort when facing a scary surgery, I wouldn't think, but then I never read Norman Vincent Peale's book.

Have you found out what time it will be yet?
Carla · 61-69, F
@Piper positive energy can't hurt. Thank you pipes.
Surgery at 7:15am. That means up at 3:30am. Have to be there at 5:30.
Piper · 61-69, F
@Carla I figured you'd have to be there brutally early. 🫤💜
Sending you good thoughts. 🖤
Carla · 61-69, F
Thank you, sugar. Good thoughts are good. I appreciate you sharing some of yours with me🙂 💚
smiler2012 · 61-69
@Carla good luck with the surgery today hope all goes well lets us know how you get on 🤔i assume this is your prominent side you write with
Carla · 61-69, F
Thank you @smiler2012. And no, im right handed, surgery on the left. But will be one handed for a bit.
I will post the aftermath, after...the math🤔?
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
I bet that will involve quite a bit of physical therapy rehab. Good luck.
Carla · 61-69, F
@Subsumedpat time and movement. My doc says not so much physical therapy.
I guess they give me a couple of rubber bands after three weeks and it's a go.
It's because those tissues that would need the therapy are gone. Other muscles, uninjured and intact, take over.
And in a blink, you'll be as good as new again! Better, actually :)
Carla · 61-69, F
@SW-User thank you for that! Optimism/pessimism. Niether are in my wheelhouse.
I hear tell my comfort level after some healing, will be markedly increased. A better summer is in my sights🙂

You're welcome. I still drink Mex Coke - - but not at your level 😁
Carla · 61-69, F
@SW-User there you are.
A better day.
Again....thank you.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Now, you get well. I am depending on you to shoulder the win in pushing back the insurrectionists and "the base." Oh... and Cry-Baby-trump.
Carla · 61-69, F
Cute, @MarkPaul.
🤗 this is a hug. Don't you turn away. Hug me back.

And...thank you.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@Carla 😳
bowman81 · M
Good luck with the surgery. Shoulder injuries seem to take a long time to heal. I hope this works well for you.

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