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What's your view on minimalism, with regards to scarcity, wastage and inequity of resource distribution?

exchrist · 31-35
I chose not to eat for almost 3 years except when someone brought me food or meals with family. But i had a brain tumor so. It was only about 30 months; talk about excessive, though. Further it was to prove a point regarding the neurotoxicity of high fructose corn syrup. In so doing i developed a brain tumor that should and i sometimes wish had killed me. I published the findings at least. There have been at least 3 attempts on my life since then. Id say it was worth it.
exchrist · 31-35
@SW-User sunnyview rehab hospital st. Rose on here and a few times to facebook. Columia high school east greenbush and hvcc. Was finishing a graduate certificate at ualbany but started waking up in hospitals instead
jehova · 31-35, M
@SW-User i attempted to record every step of the process in order to advance the science as much as possible to minimize the next generation's suffering.
exchrist · 31-35
@SW-User everything was 2001 to 2013ish first publish in highschool in 2007.
In these regards, I am a minimalist. But don't want to impose my thoughts on others.

We should not waste any resources, this is a thing of common sense, if you understands nature, environment & economics.
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
there's no actual shortage of most resources; things just aren't built to last anymore and/or they're hyper inflated for the sake of profit.
Pfuzylogic · M
I am a minimalist particularly with my responses. It saves energy.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
I believe that so-called minimalism that you see people presenting on social media supports wasting much more than any other lifestyle. They tell you to regularly get rid of your stuff and only keep minimum of possessions. For what exactly? So that you could buy it again and again whenever you need it? What is wrong with keeping a great variety of tools and supplies long-term?
Majorsite · 61-69, M
Too much for Me this early in the morning !
@Majorsite Please share your thoughts later.
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
what is currently scarce?
@DeluxedEdition What you think about it.
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@SW-User it's unfortunate but it is what it is.
@DeluxedEdition What do you think of minimalism in this case?
4meAndyou · F
I admire the look of minimalism in decorating, but don't find it practical in application to my own lifestyle.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Our resources are finite , but far from scarce .
@AthrillatheHunt What do you think of minimalism in that case?
calicuz · 56-60, M
It's too early for me to get this deep.
@calicuz Understandable, although this is the reality.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
What scarcity?
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@SW-User ask the man named Harari.
@hippyjoe1955 Please explain.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@SW-User You have not heard of the WEF and its plans to reduce the human population to 500 million? Harari is the evil force pushing that agenda.
exchrist · 31-35
Therefore id say my view is its necessary.
Obviously the middle class will destroy the ecosystem and feel entitled because they're not the homeless. Let's get out of their road and let them - otherwise they'll have to use machine guns to kill us homeless.
@Roundandroundwego I kind of understand this. They probably try to live life to the fullest within their income, as they aren't rich. I read that some people have started spending more as they don't save much for buying a property, because of sky-high price of real estate and they don't hope to be able to buy one day. It's called doom spending.
@SW-User it's hated when have good coffee and milk from grass fed cows in my homeless encampment. I understand I'm supposed to spend that money on rent and starve, I'm supposed to come up short and get evicted, not be basically okay.
Madmonk · M
I want to try it out
I think we will see more and more tiny houses…for one thing.
@NoGamesTolerated Interesting. Please elaborate.
@SW-User Well not sure what more I could say but they’re already popping up everywhere. And lots of people have turned RVs and buses into homes.

When you move into a tiny home, that’s minimalism at its best.. whatever the reason may be. 🙂

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