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Is This It?

I walked in graduation in May. However, I still have three outstanding requirements left: a piano proficiency test, a language course, and an upper division music course. I need to practice piano for the test next month, but I'm taking French 101 and a music history course, both outside of the college I originally attended because I spent way too much time there and it just wasn't a good place for me.

To preface this, I'm not a good student. I used to be, like through elementary school, but I've been school for all of these years one after the other, and I think I'm burned out. In addition to the absence of a father, mental health struggles with ADHD and MDD, and just a lack of motivation and ambition that I once had, I'm not the student or person that I was then. And without being able to afford meds for my conditions, I'm not in the most operational state right now.

It's easy, so easy, to fall behind, and I always do, and so I'm behind now, just as I was in undergrad. I got an email from my online class this morning telling me that I've been withdrawn. So I emailed the student services office in addition to directly emailing my teacher. I haven't received a response yet, but I did inform them of the difficulties that I am facing and am asking for some grace to be able to complete this course as, though it is a requirement I am trying to fulfill, I do truly like the course material and am using it to study the influence of '60s Nuyorican salseros and their influence on American Music culture today.

All this being said, I thought that my problems would end with getting a girlfriend, someone that would give me a reason to work harder for our future together. I thought that attending classes outside of my original university would give me a better environment to work and study in a not-so-toxic place. I thought that I'd have newfound energy to go to work and earn money. But the truth is that I don't and none of that has solved anything. I'm not directly addressing the true issues and I don't know how to do that on my own. And the longer it takes to dig deep and do something about this, the older I will become with not much life lived.

I don't want to become that old fat resentful man that lives alone in his apartment, yelling at everyone around him for silence, that cries and pleads with death at the end of his miserable life asking for more time. I want to live a fulfilling life where I can be a music therapist and work with people, healing them through music and empathy and analyzing how to best treat conditions. I want to work with my hands, drilling and building, seeing the direct and tangible results of my labor. I want to live with my girlfriend, wake up and fall asleep next to her bright and loving face. I want a dog and a cat, a garage I can work in and workout in and keep her car so she stays warm in the winter and cool in the summer. I want her to have her library with all of her books and a comfy chair for her to sit in and read and drink tea, where she can see her degrees and smile at how much she's accomplished, for our kids to gawk at and ask mommy how she did that and if they can do it, too. But I'm here in my mother's house at 24, almost 25, already becoming that old fat man who is angry at the world because he's been mad at himself for so long.

I am the reason that I think of death. I want to escape me, but you can't just shed your skin and it's harder yet to shed your mind. If I were to run away into the woods, I'd be there. If I were to hide under a rock, I'd be there, too. I already feel the weight of my failures pressing down on me. I'm only 24, and if the average life expectancy really is 75 years old, then I'm already a third of the way through, and this weight is only the beginning. I never thought I would live past the age of 21, but not I don't know if I even want to live past the age of 30. I want to, but only if it's a good life, not just with challenges, but with good things. I just don't know if I can anymore.
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Casheyane · 31-35, F Best Comment
Your feelings are valid.
But you know what? Why should your happiness rely on others?
People expect to get married at 25. I thought the same back in college. Now, I'm far from that. But where God has taken me, I am happier than I ever was, even if the road I took to get here was not at all what I had thought I'd take. And do I still find myself struggling now? Of course. That means we're human.

You're 24. It is not the end of the world.
College and dreams, you now feel like fast tracking. But ten yrs later, you'd see how what you thought is your world are just trivial parts of it.

Life is about the journey, not the destination. The moments in between.

If a dream takes effort and time, then give that. If you achieve the dream or not, if it changes, let it. It is your life.
Take accountability for it.
It does not matter if you live in your parent's house now or elsewhere. But since you're there, why not make the most of it?

Eight+ yrs ago, my whole world changed and my life was rearranged completely. Grief did that. The road I had to take, the responsibilities changed me.

And it took me years to realize the meaning of "Strength is a choice we get to make every time. And a step forward is something we can still take."
What ever situation you are in, make the best of it. Be your best self at it. Or try.

I read a quote somewhere. It says that we are given mountains to show others it can be moved.

But at the start, during, and at the end of it, submit to God. That point where you are at loss, that is where He works best. And if you realigns and shows you a path you never thought of, and give you a new dream, do not be surprised. It's all part of the journey. :)

Hang in there. And fight.
InvictusIndigo · 26-30, M
@Casheyane This couldn't have come at a better time. I've been staring at this email they sent me all day trying to figure out how to tell my mom and girlfriend that I'm not gonna be getting my degree this December. This is the kind of encouragement that God provides through His people. Thank you so much 🫂

MarkPaul · 26-30, M
I can relate to some (not all) of the things you write about. The good news is you're not alone because others do have these or similar type issues. The bad news is no matter how much misery loves company, you have to experience and work through these things on your own.

You have a girlfriend. You have dreams. You have skills, talent, and you are on a path. That's a lot in your favour. It sounds like you need some exercise, a healthy meal plan, and a connection through prayer. That won't magically solve your worries, but it's an incremental step. That's the solution you know... incremental steps. Transformations through life hacks only happen in videos created expressly for views. In real life, it's all about incremental steps.
C'mon so many havent graduated, you are still a nice person. I hope the higher power (in the Universe, who could be God) helps you realize this.
If you don't wish to be that old fat guy who hates the world, don't be. It really is that easy. It's a choice. What you do with your life is another one. make one small choice at a time, do something little today to make you a better person tomorrow. Do the things you loathe, the things you hate. You can be angry about it while you do them, but get them out of your way.

The first thing you should do. You know yourself well enough to know that you are not addressing the direct issues well. Find someone else who can.
Learn to manifest and you’ll achieve all your goals
@SW-User can you share the link to the video you followed?
@Royricky09 i needed lots of videos and books to learn search it yourself
@SW-User just msged you
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
I'm 25 and I cry sometimes over things you describe and problems of my own, my life isn't directly fulfilling, but the snail is right. You gotta take one day at a time. Forget about tomorrow, it's of no use to you, today is when things happen.

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