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Purpose and Meaning

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Something that has always baffled me is the need that most people have for their life to "mean something". Apparently, one cannot be happy or fulfilled unless one's life has a "purpose" to it, but I have no idea why that should be the case.
My life doesn't mean anything at all, and I'm perfectly happy about that. We're born, we live, and then we die, and that's it. There's no "afterlife", reincarnation isn't real, and we won't be judged by "God" (whatever that is), so why would anyone waste their time trying to find out "what it's all about"? Life isn't about anything. Isn't that obvious?
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There is an afterlife and a God. God made us to be eternal and that's why our souls live on after we die. Scripture is very clear on that. But you're right about reincarnation. There's nothing about that in Scripture and in fact says the opposite is true. We live once and we die once.

As far as purpose, we all do have a purpose in life. Whether we find out that purpose or not, is a different story. However, God gives us this gift of life and what we do with it is our gift back to him. He doesn't tell us what to do with it. We're born with a blank slate and it's up to us to fill it. Happiness is not something that needs to be "found". It is what we create in our lives.
CheshireAzur · 36-40, F
Reading a bit of psychology can help.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
@CheshireAzur Girl can't drive a roundabout and claim that's why they are dangerous. I think that summed up her whole persona here unless it's all troll style
@CheshireAzur What? Could I have a translation of that? I don't think that was English.
CheshireAzur · 36-40, F
@Bellatrix2083 What, Could you maybe pay attention to who you are replying. I don't think you can read English.
Bumbles · 51-55, M
I’ve similarly never been troubled by the meaning of life question. The question doesn’t make sense to me.
@Bumbles Why doesn't the question make sense?
Bumbles · 51-55, M
@Bellatrix2083 Because it doesn’t follow logically from my response.
Bumbles · 51-55, M
@Bellatrix2083 If the meaning of life question doesn’t make sense to me why would you ask me the meaning of life? Lol.
Two most it is not obvious. They have the infection of belief, and I know it is comforting to think all is well ordered and you have a place in the universe set forth by some mighty power.
But like you I think that life itself is a wonderful and unique experience to be savored to be cherished and enjoyed until Saturday as we cease to be.
And yet I like the idea of purpose not a purpose laid down by Hey mythic power, but as a person who has been very enthusiastic about my own pleasure, I have found a pleasure doing things for other reasons. I’m part of communities that work with some purpose and it is the friendship and camaraderie of that that gives me additional purpose.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
It's indvidual what we put meaning in. To some it's meaningful to think there's an afterlife, while others find meaning in for example passions and hobbies or why not their dream career or to have a family or to to simply make a difference for others, or to learn new things. Grow as a person.

Some are leaning eudiamoniac while others are more hedonistic and all about instant rewards.

Nothing is right or wrong, that's the cool part, we get to decide for ourselves what we think matters.
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
If you have the means to simply enjoy a hedonistic lifestyle, there is nothing wrong with doing so..Personally I would put in the rider of doing no harm to others..😷
Except there is a afterlife and god
But on the purpose your right
Work and die, i have no goals or ambition other than to work
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
@rocknroll The existance of God or the afterlife is a matter of opinion.
@rocknroll How do you know there's an afterlife? Does it make sense to assume there is one, when the is no "beforelife"? In other words, does it make sense to believe that something can have a beginning in time, but no end? Can anything be half-eternal?
@Bellatrix2083 how i know is a long story and it is different for everyone
If you look and have open mind to it youll know . Its in depth

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