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Why do you think some people are born into a hellish existence there whole life

I was reading about this girl

She was given up by her birth mother immediately. She never even held her. Then she was in a children’s hospital in a post-communist country. That hospital had a 95% infant mortality rate at the time. But she survived, even as a baby, she was a fighter.

She eventually ended up in an orphanage, in this same post-communist country, where she was very malnourished and heavily abused.

She was finally adopted by a family, and then the father abused her heavily for years (he’s in prison now because she was brave enough to speak up after suffering years of abuse). She was in and out of residential treatment centers, and mental health hospitals her whole life. She was arrested many times as a teenager because she kept getting into more and more trouble.

And then she took her own life shortly after turning 20.

I’ve heard so many stories like that on the psych ward, people born to drug addict parents who were in the ward due to trying to suicide. Why do some people get born into the most dreadful lives?
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LadyJ · F
I've asked this question myself many makes me feel lucky and blessed
Peapod · 61-69, F
This sort of thing is what made me question my faith for the very first time.

I question a whole lot of things because of the suffering of innocent children, people, and animals. None of it makes sense to me and I no longer even believe there are lessons to be learned as some would say. I think too much suffering can indeed break even the most resilient.
calicuz · 56-60, M
Wow, and I thought my life was tough. I don't think your question can be answered definitively. It may not be about "why."
Life just is. It's a harder life for some of us than others. We all have our struggles and our own personal demons to fight. Some of us survive life, others conquer, and there are some, like your friend, who succumb to life.
Budwick · 70-79, M
I gravitate more to similar stories but with triumphant endings. Where they beat the odds.
Those stories are inspiring.
Piper · 61-69, F
She was adopted by a family, but then her biological father ended up abusing her for years?

I don't think there is any kind of acceptable, reasonable explanation, really, as to why some people are born into such "dreadful lives".
Sorry I pasted this from her adoptive brother who meant his bio father abused her for years @Piper
4meAndyou · F
It starts with the mother. If the mother can not be brought to care for her innocent child, then no one will.
Heavenlywarrior · 36-40, M
That is tough….Know one knows… I’ve read in vedas that due to karma… in our past lives if we didn’t learn a lesson and had karmic debt to be paid we are born again in a life where we will receive our reward.

Like why would an innocent child be mauled by a dog.

It just made me think
Wiseacre · F
Because everything random...could’ve been u or anybody...count ur blessings!
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
I wonder this too sometimes …. Some people didn’t fes eve the cards they were dealt
Because life, alas, is random like that. When people say things like "everything happens for a reason", I see situations like what you describe as proof that that’s not so.
What reason would there be for some poor soul to live such a tortured, short existence, only to suicide before there’s even a chance for things to improve? 😞
RedBaron · M
THEIR whole life.
Yea I realise, I couldn’t change the title.@RedBaron
Jeephikelove · 51-55, F
That’s so sad. 🥺
life is not fair
butterflybaby75 · 46-50, F
Because we are all different and no one person is any more special that any other person.
PatKirby · M
I agree with this and can add no more to its brief yet accurate disclosure.
scrood · 31-35
If you think that's hellish you are GRAVELY ignorant of what hell entails -- you cannot possibly imagine the pain there for the soul ETERNALLY separated from the LORD.

Maybe research religion some more? What kind of reward she will have in heaven after that life? Some are blessed in this world and the next (the Chosen Ones), some are cursed in this world and blessed in the next (*hint), some are blessed in this world and cursed in the next (so as to increase the punishment), and some are cursed in this world and in the next (so as to give greater glory to the saved of GOD).
scrood · 31-35
@sirenofthesea Then you know more than I do
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@scrood Did you even read what she wrote or did you just spout off
scrood · 31-35
@DeluxedEdition Figure it out for yourself genius!!!
REMsleep · 41-45, F
Not sure from which perspective you want the answer.
The world and the people in it are evil.
We are born dying and although there are many good parts to life, suffering will be part of it. Some have it much worse than others randomly because life is not fair and some innocents encounter truly evil people.
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candycane · 36-40, F
I was born that way tried killing my self as well. Even wrote some poemss about it, cant give u any links as my account is limited

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