helenS · 36-40, F
Oh – you know how to change a battery! 🌷
In my family I am the battery changer 😏
In my family I am the battery changer 😏
KingsRansom · 46-50, M
@helenS Grazie! Grazie!
Your family has a designated battery changer? Wow! High class! But you know what? Seeing that I needed a Phillips head screwdriver almost threw me entirely off my game! I was questioning if I ever knew how to change a battery.
Your family has a designated battery changer? Wow! High class! But you know what? Seeing that I needed a Phillips head screwdriver almost threw me entirely off my game! I was questioning if I ever knew how to change a battery.
helenS · 36-40, F
@KingsRansom They all know that I have a small workshop in my basement, with all the necessary tools. I used to be able to repair basic car electrics, but most modern cars are so f*ckin' complicated. It took me several hours to exchange the front lights of a family member's car. You need special tools.
KingsRansom · 46-50, M
@helenS And you are just assuming I don't have specials tools?? No, I don't. Heh. I am confident that I can figure most any of the basic stuff on my own... but each time, results in me rummaging through boxes for any tools I have.
Riverman2 · 61-69, M
They are all preprogrammed to shut down at the worst possible time! It's a vast right wing conspiracy.
KingsRansom · 46-50, M
@Riverman2 Lol. You got that right.
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
I all was hate when that happens.
KingsRansom · 46-50, M
@smileylovesgaming Happened last evening, in the rain, as I was grabbing my son from school. But all fixed now. I earned that PSL, dammit!
Serenity1980 · 41-45, F
I love this. Lol
AbbeyP · 70-79, F
They die quickly
KingsRansom · 46-50, M
@AbbeyP I got my socket wrench, all set to do it... needed a dumb Phillips to move a piece before I could get to the battery.