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Miram · 31-35, F
Educating them about dangers and how best to avoid them.
Signing them up for sports and strategy skills;chess.
Sports push people to learn to tolerate physical discomfort.
Teaching them to put themselves in new situations and experience new things in life, so they don't become like a puddle uncapable of flowing and change.
All of that with an emphasis on empathy and knowing when to let things be. Something that I didn't have as kid and regret. Me and my brother were always pushed to be strong, you get comfortable in adversity, you start creating it yourself when you should simply appreciate little peace.
Signing them up for sports and strategy skills;chess.
Sports push people to learn to tolerate physical discomfort.
Teaching them to put themselves in new situations and experience new things in life, so they don't become like a puddle uncapable of flowing and change.
All of that with an emphasis on empathy and knowing when to let things be. Something that I didn't have as kid and regret. Me and my brother were always pushed to be strong, you get comfortable in adversity, you start creating it yourself when you should simply appreciate little peace.
Not giving everything they want will make them more realistic and will allow them to realize life is like that.
Motivating them to complete tasks, so they become responsible.
Letting them find their own solutions too but giving them emotionally support so they don't feel scared and nervous
Motivating them to complete tasks, so they become responsible.
Letting them find their own solutions too but giving them emotionally support so they don't feel scared and nervous
DDonde · 31-35, M
I think the only thing my parents thought about were Christian values while raising us.