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Lostpoet · M
The news has been shit ever since 9-11 and cable news tv started making big bucks. Now they push any and all agendas for entertainment not caring about the division in /racism/sexism/ageism/genderism it causes the country.
Yes well I paused my dishTv for 3 months today because they have turned into one big fuck up. So no more tv for me not getting along with girlfriend so avoiding her for time being. Tv is mostly so bad anyway maybe I should just give it up with dish or any other crappy sattelite service. The only thing I will miss mostly is inside edition and Seth Meyers show. Tv really has got so bad for me atleast that this may be a blessing in disguise for my mind.. and I am a news junkie but none of the conservative channels to me for me they are virtually unwatchable. We have destroyed the planet for this mess of reality. Insane
luv2fish · 70-79, M
I gave up on the news media also. Everyone of them has a political agenda. I just take note of how things are affecting me in my personal life.
Yes sometimes it's just too depressing regardless of where it comes from
DreamyCrush · F
I take a news fast once in a while.
Montanaman · M
@DreamyCrush 🙋♀️same. 🤗
Allelse · 36-40, M
Nah I just invent my own news!!!!
Montanaman · M
Agree 💯 %.