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fun4us2b · M
Help them run through the worst case scenarios, then help them plan how they can continue on from there...but they have to be willing...
Otherwise, just offer support...
Otherwise, just offer support...
nonsensiclesnail · F
You've got too ind a way to encourage them to find their own confidence. might help to figure out what specifically it is they are fearful of and show them why it will be ok.
GeniUs · 56-60, M
More info needed, are they seeing dead people or is it something else?
Nanori · F
Sometimes we don't need to be understood but pushed and encouraged
By being there for them. Not everything is meant to be understood.
Not sure you can unless you understand
JohnnySpot · 56-60, M
Speaking in front of an audience is a unique skill.
bijouxbroussard · F
Possibly you don’t understand because you’ve never needed to examine it closely—you just do it. I’ve been shy most of life. In order to perform at recitals, teach, become a training instructor, I had to believe that I was sharing something important that others wanted or needed. That and preparation made it less traumatic.
Steve42 · 56-60, M
Bang5luts · M
Share with them why you yourself are not afraid. Or where you draw your strength from on trying times.
Tracos · 51-55, M
@Bang5luts the thing is I cant understand why I am not afraid because I dont understand why they are afraid
as an example:
I will get in front of any audience and give a fully improvised 30 minute speech at a moments notice without any preparation (ok.. its a bit of an exaggeration, but not much)
many people wont do that, or will perhaps even be reduced to dribbling stammers if they get put on the spot like that.
I just dont get that, but at least I recognize that I dont understand that fear.
but it also means that I dont think I can help... because 'just do it' (which is what I do) wont work for them
as an example:
I will get in front of any audience and give a fully improvised 30 minute speech at a moments notice without any preparation (ok.. its a bit of an exaggeration, but not much)
many people wont do that, or will perhaps even be reduced to dribbling stammers if they get put on the spot like that.
I just dont get that, but at least I recognize that I dont understand that fear.
but it also means that I dont think I can help... because 'just do it' (which is what I do) wont work for them
Bang5luts · M
@Tracos oh but it will work. You don't understand why you aren't afraid. You just aren't and you are satisfied with that fact, therefor you don't tear apart and examine exactly why you aren't afraid. But you really don't need to. You simply aren't afraid because you know they're isn't any reason to be. And the other person/people's fear is irrational. It's much more simple than that even. You are not afraid, so you don't focus on the people watching you speak. They shouldn't focus on people watching them speak when writing a speech, because when they are writing a speech no one is watching them speak either. They need to simply focus on the task at hand. If they are afraid of speaking in front of others, remind them they do that daily in fact several times throughout the day in their normal daily activities