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Any tips or advise?

Recently I’ve noticed that feeling sad and depressed is a choice, I’ve heard it many times in inspirational quotes, I’ve told myself that many times, I’ve come to realize it before but this time it’s a different depth…if that makes any sense.

I’ve also notied how my mood is dependent on how a certain person in my life feels or acts like, who happens to be a very toxic person, I’ve noticed my instant reaction to her behavior is depression and or anxiety and it’s become a deep seated pattern.
Thing is I don’t know if I should train myself to stay positive which consists of pushing myself a lot and going through a lot of headaches or let my emotions take their time and heal whenever they’re ready. I know feeling that way is counter productive, I’ve been telling myself that it’s only taking its toll on me ....idk idk I’m just very confused rn

Idk how it sounds like to you but it’s been crippling my life so much that even realizing it fked me up :\
RebelFox · 36-40, F
Unfortunately all this crap about depression being a choice suppresses our emotions which we actually do need to acknowledge as valid, not some brain dead accusation of laziness. I work really hard to hold it together with the life I was given. Uncomfortable life occurrences happen, without choice. We just need the time to adjust and deal, but instead we read these shit quotes and think we need to have it all together all the time.
Nanori · F
@RebelFox yeah the quotes didnt do much for me, it was just something that suddenly hit me, a realization that told me it's possible to NOT feel this way as a reaction
Finding the good in your life is healthy. Being positive to the point of lying to yourself can be just as problematic as despair, if not more so. Because then you have despair and a fake reality to tend to.
Being grateful and thankful for the little things is far more comforting than a inspirational quote. Sometimes we find a saying that really speaks to us which is nice!! But it doesn’t fix anything. It’s merely a reminder that someone out there understand a sliver of what you are going through.
Miram · 31-35, F
I think finding a balance is about having roots, growing them or creating is very different from a person to another. You need something you can return to

Those roots can be acceptance in the Buddhist sense letting feelings pass through you..just living each moment separately..

Or transforming feelings , not actively suppressing them, and learning to play with them through visualization, bringing stronger feelings like love into the front . and other techniques.. transforming them into positive actions...arts, volunteering...anything away from that person's influence which I assume is your mother.

You will sometimes fail other times succeed at detaching from her and her abuse.
Nanori · F
@Miram T___T thank you, you sorted the words in my head
Miram · 31-35, F
@Nanori aww. I believe in you Nanori. You can find some peace away from the hurt they create.
IMO you need to face your feelings as they are. Acknowledge & accept them as normal part of life, but don't let them linger there for too long. When I get hit by a bout of negative emotions for whatever reason I let them be, but then I reach a point where I say to myself, Asmae, cut the crap now. Life is too short to be sad & worried. I immerse myself in doing something I enjoy. Could be as simple as staring up at the sky. Sometimes it takes lots of strength to stand up again, but in the end it's doable.

It also helps to stay away from the toxic people as much as possible.
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
Depression is a sign that something is wrong. It's not there for no reason, and it is fixable, contrary to what people will tell you. People think they're depressed for some deep emotional reason. Usually they're only even having these thoughts cause they're not getting enough sunlight or something like that. That's why seasonal depression is a thing.
1490wayb · 56-60, M
like me learn to recognize who causes the negativity and remove them from your life. if that isnt possible tell them firmly leave you alone. when they are near mentally prepare yourself to not allow them pull you down. i laugh at their foolish choices and ruined lives to protect myself
Classified · M
Training to be positive sounds like it'll be better in the long run, but I'm no expert. 😅
Classified · M
@Nanori Yes, except that I have hair and an not a monkey 🥺
Nanori · F
@Classified useless 🥺
Classified · M
@Nanori Glad to be of assistance. 😊
Be transparent with yourself then accepting of your emotional state. If something drains your energy, you have to recharge yourself before it affects you badly.
Freeranger · M
Sometimes you have to cut the cancer out of your body. That in turn leads to healing and better mental health. I think you get it.
Nanori · F
@Freeranger the cancer cut itself out of my life for a while and everything was turning out to be fine and well...alas it returned and I can't do anything about it :|
Freeranger · M
@Nanori Perhaps the answer then is to change your behavior, in that you take a different tack. Enroll in a class,,,,volunteer at a food bank or soup as a reading coach to kids.....start occupying your time and fill up your life with other things that return positive outcomes. It would certainly give you a solid excuse not to be around.
RoxClymer · 41-45, M
there is something weird in the air, lot of ppl feeling shitty RN
RoxClymer · 41-45, M
@Nanori ???
Nanori · F
@RoxClymer ??? at night and closing to midnight till around 2am people are at their most emotional and vulnerable state
RoxClymer · 41-45, M
@Nanori i was just commenting that its not just you feeling bad, just read some posts on here, a lo of the people around the world arent feeling great
It can be a choice in some circumstances but only if your mind is ready for it to be a choice. If you get to the level that you can consciously set it aside like that then that is a step on the way to healing.
As for a toxic person that is something else that reminds me of being trauma bonded. That I don't have much experience with other than a friend who has had that happen. But I'm pretty sure toxic people in general are usually bad. Especially if they are capable of controlling your emotions like that.
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
all I know is that when I daydream something negative or something that causes an anxiety feeling, or a negative thought in general, I go " LALALALAA" out loud and in my mind. Keep interrupting those thoughts. Don't let them win. Fell like a bada** as they go away.
do ted talks they helped me .youtube

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