I feel like a lot has passed me by and I have missed it and yet I realise I have come a long way too. It's an inner conflict for sure.
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alan20 · M
@SW-User Do you know, I feel a bit like a kid : "I'll show you mine if you show me yours". I don't like feeling narcissistic (don't know how to spell that). Every so often I tell myself to lighten up. In a way I'm using you. Wish you had some way of using me back. It's good to have you as a friend. Do you know London well?

@alan20 I know if fairly well. But not as well as say a taxi driver might know it. 🤷
alan20 · M
@SW-User After every holiday period I'd seek a new room having given notice to my previous landlady, to save some money during vacation. Started out in Hornsey ; ended in Putney. We used enjoy our walks to Richmond, Kew and all the rest . We used haunt Hampstead, , Kenwood. . Regents Park, Strawberry Hill , etc. Landladies are a very strange breed. The ever so righteous "Alan" got thrown out by two for having his girl in his room. Towards the end of my time in London I worked as pianist for a ballet school run by a young aristocrat , Lady...... I'd better not say her name. I loved wandering the streets late at night and got mugged three times but as I never had much money they didn't get much. On one occasion I actually persuaded my attackers to give me back the photo of my girl before they made off with my wallet. I used enjoy the feeling of danger, walking in Queens Wood in the Highgate area, trying not to collide with the trees in the pitch dark . One night there was a very loud gunshot close to me followed by a man laughing. I crouched down motionless for about twenty minutes before getting to hell out of it. London of course can be a very lonely place when your girlfriend isn't over from her college in Belfast. I'd better stop monopolising your Sunday. Thanks for the chat.
goodlil666 · 51-55, M
Your only 20 yr old? Your life is just starting , you have plenty of time to figure out what you want to do. You need to be proactive about it though. Sit down and make a list of vocations you would like to do, then the requirements to perform that job and then the training and or education to get there. It's up to you where your life goes and the actions you take to get there. Best wishes.
alan20 · M
@goodlil666 Thank you. The penny dropped since : the 20 in my username came from my address at the time after the site rejected "Imago".
Dlrannie · 31-35, F
Nope and I’ve still got plenty I’d like to achieve 🙂
GeniUs · 56-60, M
I've wasted a lot but tomorrow's another day.
Maybe you could review at the end of each day and think, "what is a minimum you should've done" then vow to do at least that much tomorrow.
Maybe you could review at the end of each day and think, "what is a minimum you should've done" then vow to do at least that much tomorrow.

Yes, and I'm afraid I'll wake up some day seeing that is what existance is about, as no one really knows why we are here.
eMortal · M
Few minutes ago and 2 steps from here I still had thought. I simply flipped the switch. Worrying about the past and being anxious about the future seriously undermine our ability to enjoy the present, the now.
Hell is a state of mind.
Hell is a state of mind.
Ferric67 · M
No, but I work real hard to waste other people's time
LonelyPrincess · 41-45, F
TimeStandingStill · 46-50, F
I do
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alan20 · M
@SW-User Self-expression isn't vanity.