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I love when that happens it happens so rarely now though.
@MrBlueGuy these moments like the element of suprise.
@SevenTierCrazyCake Oh yeah they need to come on by surprise for sure. I tend to snort when caught up in moments like that which is embarassing but luckily those moments generally happen in private xD
Captainjackass · 31-35, M
Sounds like a normal friday.
@Captainjackass no drugs were involved in the making of this loss of self control
Captainjackass · 31-35, M
@SevenTierCrazyCake we’re so awesome we don’t need drugs to be crazy 🙃
@Mindfulness Or; hear me out! ...nachos?
@SevenTierCrazyCake Now that, sounds like a plan. 😁
@Harriet03 rejected