WonderGirl1 Best Comment

Quimliqer · 70-79, M
@WonderGirl1 Theres a lot of truth in this!!
ShepherdBard · 31-35, M
Like fine milk
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Physically ? I don’t think so.
Mentally ? As crazy now as I’ve always been.
Emotionally ? Overall. Probably.
Mentally ? As crazy now as I’ve always been.
Emotionally ? Overall. Probably.
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
@Picklebobble2 don't say that, Bob, you look young. I'd say 21.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@assemblingaknob 🎉🎊🎈Congratulations !! You're my new favourite person 😆
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
summersong · F
I’m trying but with limited success.
rjc36 · 61-69, M
Better than some but not as good as some. I think I am aging pretty well over all.
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Starchild1983 · 41-45, F

At 31 it's too early to say. Maybe in 20 years I'll give you a justifiable answer.
cycleman · 61-69, M
I take I look my age. but I do not have a clue as to what a 58 yr old is suppose to look like. 🙃
Stillwaiting · M
Eh .. I don't look my age .. but the body lets me know every morning I'm not 30 anymore

That can be read/taken, two ways
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
A few years ago at work, back when we did such things, they threw a little party for everyone with a birthday in November, which was three people on staff. They asked how old each of us was, and I told them (I think I had just turned 52 or something). At least one person was incredulous, having thought I was maybe 42 or so. I don't know. If I shaved off the beard (half dark gray, half white now) and colored my hair (almost entirely white or pale gray), I might pass for 40 something.
So, maybe, I guess?
So, maybe, I guess?
Gangstress · 41-45, F
I don't know, do I?

I have been told that I am.
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
Think fine wine!
JohnnyNoir · 56-60, M
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
Like fine wine or rare whisky—richer, mellower and more fascinating with each passing year.

So far. In my family, there’s a pattern of obesity at 30 and rapid aging at 50. I’m not obese. I’ll see if I become a prune in about a decade.
1pebbles · 56-60, F
Age is only a number! Health, stamina, attitude.... all of these are blessings!
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Upto about four years ago yes. After that no. 😔
Someone else would be the judge of that.

I think it’s pretty obvious I do.
LadyJ · F
Yes apparently
Going well so far i think
Chelsiegirl · 46-50, T
yes i think do
MeowsoliniReturns · 51-55, F
Like mold on cheese
Ingwe · F

I look like the swamp thing.
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
No. I'm already rotting away.
QueenandCrown · 41-45, F
Too well! My family has been cursed/ blessed with the 'baby' face.. I have to wear makeup to look my age..
Iwillwait · M
I was a cute kid, now fuglyasfk.
I was a cute kid, now fuglyasfk.
JustEd · 41-45, M
The gray ear hairs are a nuisance
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