fources · 41-45, M
To be sincere with you, I am kinda scared of what might happen after and my reason is very simple. This Virus is still spreading and we have no vaccine for it yet. Now, if everyone is out and people start contacting this virus again the country might need to enforce another lockdown. This might get people to revolt this time. I mean no prisoner wants to go back to prison after a short release.
Am I overthinking this?
Am I overthinking this?

@fources Dont kid yourself. They are revolting now where I live!
Fallenfromgrace · F
@fources in my state,the experts are,saying it could of been a lot worse if it wasn't for spring break
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
You can never guarantee safety 100% i have to concede that.
But it's utter madness when you can't guarantee safety for your own children.
But it's utter madness when you can't guarantee safety for your own children.

My opinion is they can leave schools closed as long as they wish but if they don’t get our businesses up and running, they will be fighting in the streets! And the governor will be voted out in November...
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@Bagalamaga true enough but not all have children and perhaps one spouse out of a family can work... we can’t live in fear! I object to lockdown any longer... it’s unconstitutional!
Bagalamaga · 56-60, M
@SW-User the virus doesn’t care about the constitution though. The market is finished even if the whole world opens up tomorrow. It’s too late to save it

@Bagalamaga And I don’t care what the fear mongers say!!!
smiler2012 · 61-69
fources risky personally this is far from beaten and now any good work of stopping the spread and deaths at the hands of corona virus and could all be undone by a second wave of corona by this rash move we will see only time will tell
smiler2012 · 61-69
@SW-User at what risk as i said corona is not beaten but i say use caution and do not jump the gun and re open and risk a second wave breaking out

@smiler2012 use caution all you like but open up the country... yesterday!!!!
smiler2012 · 61-69
@SW-User we will see what happens lets hope for all our sake that l hope i am wrong
curiosi · 61-69, F
OPEN! This whole thing was blown way out of proportion.
Fallenfromgrace · F
I think schools should be the last thing to open up. I have a niece and nephew in college and they are seriously thinking about taking a year off
smiler2012 · 61-69
@Fallenfromgrace well i think that course of action has been rather forced on them with this out break the decision has been made for them
fources · 41-45, M
@Fallenfromgrace I think they should, schools are not running.
Nayla · 56-60, F
I say re-open businesses slowly but leave the schools closed for rest of school year
eli1601 · 70-79, M
Businesses immediately. Schools in August or Sept.

All you guys living in fear are doing just what your government wants you to do...
purplepen · 51-55, F
Dangerous. But I know the economy is suffering.
Chevy454 · 46-50, M
Gotta get back to normal.
DaveStevenson · M
I think it's great.
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Let's see...restart the economy that is already screwed and we could fix later anyway, or loss of life. 🤔

Bad idea.
Anonymartyr · M
Too many businesses have already gone under- the promises of government compensation for the losses is already beyond feasible here in this city.
TinyViolins · 31-35, M
If I cared about the people dying and small-businesses closing down, this would be an absolute tragedy. The disease doesn't become any less contagious or our hospitals any more prepared because some people are tired of staying home.
Just look at how disastrous the second wave of the Spanish Flu was in San Francisco, St. Louis, or Philadelphia to name a few cities. But again, I don't care. If we lose an extra few hundred thousand people in the next year, maybe these protesting morons will get a page dedicated to them in future history books
Just look at how disastrous the second wave of the Spanish Flu was in San Francisco, St. Louis, or Philadelphia to name a few cities. But again, I don't care. If we lose an extra few hundred thousand people in the next year, maybe these protesting morons will get a page dedicated to them in future history books
smiler2012 · 61-69
@TinyViolins you do not care if we lose an few extra hundred thousand people in the next year have you lost all traces of decent humanity this is human life we are talking about snuffing out here not a colony of wasps just because it causing hardship and ruining economies god forbid would you have used this same attitude during the hardships to civilian populations in the last war and this figure you quote of expendables how would you think if one of those happened to be a close relative of your mother father sibling grand parent auntie uncle you need to do a d.j.t before you post in future put your brain into gear before you write such stuff you need to get senses of priority
fources · 41-45, M
@smiler2012 i don't think he meant it that way. I think he just saying he doesn't understand why people can't see the grave danger in what's going on.
smiler2012 · 61-69
@fources if i have taken it out of context i do apologise to the man humbly the way it came over and read it sounded callous

I say use your own judgement.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
I'm agin it, dagnabit! I say we shut down them schools and put them kids to work butchering meat!