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What do you think would happen if there were no death for human beings??

brainrapist · 31-35, F
A faster death for the planet, famine, disease, more crime. Not very good things.
BlueVeins · 22-25

Depends when it happens. If it's pre-industrial, probably exponential rise in population until there's a solid layer of people all accross the Earth, constantly being crushed by one another and drowning in the oceans and rivers.

If it's industrial era, probably some international effort to control the population through aggressive contraceptive care programs.
Degbeme · 70-79, M
The earth would be extremely crowded.
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
Our poor scientists would have to stop calculating the age of universe relative to the time scale they think is fine to use

Instead they would have to focus more on finding habitats for human beings, some other planet then some other planet and then some other for survival. (which is perhaps the work done by God) - Giving the soul a new cloth (skin) to wear every time it takes birth.

In the contrary, if we were only on the earth then more population means less resources per person and more competitiveness for survival, the chances of turning human into animals for their own survival.

Example - we eat animals and when there are so many humans that animals would go extinct for food, then we would go cannibals. Humans will develop their brain more to indulge in fraudulent activities just for their own survival. - You have a home, I don't have a home, I am under the sky, I will find means to take you out of your home and let me in. It's not because I am your enemy, it's because I want to survive.
suchaslife · F
@TheOrionbeltseeker 👏 You have a beautiful mind
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
@suchaslife Thank you for giving respect to my mind 🙂
suchaslife · F
@TheOrionbeltseeker You re welcome
Holy fuck I have been waiting to die pls don't say that
indyjoe · 56-60, M
We'd be running into Julius Caesar, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Joan of Arc, Cleopatra, Betsy Ross and such at Walmart....
suchaslife · F
@indyjoe haha
Sounds like hell.
suchaslife · F
@SW-User lol
in10RjFox · M
That does not rule out disease and ailments.. so there would be no end for that too.. death also puts an end to all of it.. imagine those living with all contagious disease spreading all over.. but disaster cannot be ruled out .. so all go and live underwater?
TexChik · F
Probably we would be much more advanced since all the great minds would still be with us
BlueVeins · 22-25
@TexChik No evolution though, so that might fuck things up in the opposite direction.
Axelerator · 26-30, M
As in every person who’s ever lived would still be around?
suchaslife · F
GoldenWorm · 51-55, M
Abuse would go way up. Would people still need to eat?
only madness can result from suffering existence for too long...
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Underwater civilizations ......:)
suchaslife · F
@SW-User I like your thinking
We would kill each other due to hunger probably
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
I can't imagine such a thing.
Veiled · 26-30, M
One hell of a population problem
MURD3RM0NK3Y · 26-30, M
It would be nice.
Standing room only
darkenough · 22-25, F
Over populated prisons
Sadly, the planet would become incredibly overcrowded.
PirateMonkeyCabinet · 36-40, M
Are you talking age/sickness based death or all death (like no killing)?

I'd believe more reckless behavior (from lack of fearing death), generally a more cruel place, not to mention how it'd affect resource, supply and demand through overpopulation. Sure, one might not die, but that just means there are more people fighting over what one needs. And if things like Alzheimers and stuff still happens, we just don't die... oof, bad stuff all around.
swirlie · 31-35, F

What do I think happens? Exactly what happens right now...nothing! That is because there is no such thing as 'death'. My point of reference to that fact is found in scriptures, specifically the Bible.

In there, some dude says over and over again, "Life is Eternal", which means we do not die. He proved that fact to all concerned one time, around Easter time.

And if we don't die, that would also suggest that 'we' are not our bodies. When our body exceeds it's shelf life, it appears to stop functioning. But if WE keep on living after that point, then which part of the body are we as an eternally living human? We certainly cannot be the flesh if 'we' keep on living if life is eternal. So then, who are we and where are we within this body of flesh? And what part of our body is actually Eternal with no shelf life or date of expiry, one might ask?

But if we don't climb into the casket with our body because we in fact cannot die and therefore did not die when the body went 'time expired', then that would also suggest that we never leave this place called earth if a person's Spirit continues life within the realm of Eternity. Oh sure, we may do a side trip into other galaxies for the odd party, but regardless of where our journey takes us, apparently we remain alive in some altered form of "life".

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