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What do you think makes a person cute?

HypnoChode46-50, M
Pretty smile.
rjc3656-60, M
Good question. I think it all depends on the person looking. Most of the time we see the outward appearance of a person first so it would be based on looks but sometimes on line we get to discover how people think and react to others. So in that case we make our decision on how they act. So on line it is how they treat others and their wit. Just my thoughts.
TinyViolins31-35, M
Certain youthfulness. Babies, puppies, and kittens are all cute. Cartoon characters are made cute with larger heads and eyes than normal because that's how children are proportioned. The cutest Pokemon are the little ones. You don't call an Onix cute. It's all centered around this abstract notion about innocence and harmlessness
I think cute is an aura of playfulness, not too self conscious, fun to around and have good energy in my opinion :)
Raven9822-25, F
I think it's cute when people are shy and when they are smaller than me 馃き
ImKelsey26-30, F
A captivating smile and sparkling eyes.
Innocence and a kind heart
Hell if I know. 馃檭 I can't explain it.
blendednotshaken51-55, M
a sweet grin and smiling eyes.
Eyes, child-like mannerism.
Shyness 馃
Good smile
a lill patit bundle of loveliness
Things about them you find cute.
Ishtar22-25, F
Their beautiful heart
Charisma and cheek
TacoCat22-25, M
They faces
Nice eyes
CalmUnderThePalm31-35, M
Good question.

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