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"You don't look hard of hearing/deaf in one ear" Okay, but what the f--k does a hard of hearing/deaf person look like in the first place?

Like, do you think we're born with marks on our foreheads that say, "I can't fookin' hear"?
Seriously though, some people kill me with the things they come up with. Not only have I had people doubt my severe hearing loss because I don't "look deaf/hard of hearing" but it also happened to another person I know and he even wearing hearing aids and they still said the same shizz to him. I'm confused though as to what a deaf/hoh person is supposed to look like in the eyes of some people.
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Jlhzfromep · M
They look like everyone else. Some are lovely, some look sweet, some are ugly inside and out while others radiate a glow of beauty from within.
SaulGoodman · 26-30, M
I don't know if that was the point they were making
NaturallyPeculiar · 26-30, F
What other point could "you don't look hard of hearing/deaf" be other than that they think I don't look like I'm hard of hearing/deaf?
SaulGoodman · 26-30, M
@NaturallyPeculiar ahhh I misread your original statement
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
A person deaf in one ear looks like me.

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