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Timb63 · 61-69, M
More truth 1979 Pres Dem. Jimmy carter home loan intrest 19-22% Only buy 5 gal gas every other day . High corp. taxes top income tax rate 70% unemployment sky high The economy had a misory index. 172 hostages held in iran did nothing nothing !!!! 1980s Rep Ronald Regan cuts corp. Taxes cuts all taxes incourages investment . Economy goe’s into hyper growth. Unemployment drops interest rates fall in 5 years home ownership goe’s up 30% lasts 10 years into the Clinton term. Again taxes go up . Regulations grow . Nafta is inacted companys leave the country. Unemployment rises. The bush 911 major storms stupid moves in afganistan Iraq . Trillions in debt. Obama says on the campain trail its unamerican to put our kids in that much debt. Then adds more dept than all presidents combined . Shovel ready jobs hhhgmmmm never happened but his backers got rich on the stimulis $ we the people will be paying back for the next 50 years. Economy never goes over 2% growth says thats the new norm and manufacturing jods will never come back Goe’s into office $300.000 in debt leaves 8 years later worth $30mil making $175.000 a year Trump takes no pay donates his $175.000 to veteran and other charities cuts taxes corp and individual unemployment drops 800000 manufacturing jobs come back in 19 months welfare rolls drop in half . Social security dissibility drops by 30% lowest minority unemployment in history. Minority home ownership sky rocketing . Chrysler building new plants in detroit And Trumps a Racist

daisymay · 51-55, T
Because he's a racist piece of shit. It really is that simple.
He's a racist bastard, plain and simple.
hertoy · 70-79, M
You misunderstand completely. Illegal immigrants is not a race, it's an illegal action by anyone regardless of race. If you don't believe that I'm sorry.
daisymay · 51-55, T
@hertoy Yeah, you really stepped in it. Or do you think all Hispanics are also illegal immigrants?
@hertoy Judge Gonzalo Curiel (who presided over the Trump U case) isn’t an illegal immigrant, but a U.S. born citizen. Trump: “...Conflict of interest, because he’s Mexican.”
Jazzy · 26-30, F
@hertoy What are you talking about?
firefall · 61-69, M
Because you're a convenient hate object, something that fascists always seek out (see Germany, 1930s; Italy, 1920s; Spain, late30s & 40s).
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Because, like Hitler, he needs clear and obvious enemies. Eighty years ago it was the Jews. Now it is blacks and Mexicans. Powerless victims.
Carver · 31-35, F
I don't think he does. I think he says a lot of shit that can be understandably construed as him having disdain for Hispanics but I don't think he does really. I think he's just a stupid man who says stupid things.
@Carver I wouldn't underestimate him by dismissing him as merely stupid. He may not read or be particularly "book smart" as the term goes. However, he's extremely street smart and savvy when it comes to manipulation tactics, which combined with his lack of scruples and no apparent moral compass, makes him dangerous. He knows which buttons to press and how to light the fuse when it suits him.
Carver · 31-35, F
@SW-User I don't doubt that he's dangerous and good at manipulating people, I just don't think he's a racist.
TexChik · F
Stupid thing to say. Hispanics ( Native and legal immigrants) love Trump. They are enjoying the economy, they have work , and that Trump protects all Americans . If you are an illegal alien trying to get into this country without going through the process laid out by law ... you won’t like Trump much .
Jazzy · 26-30, F
@TexChik Both my parents are US citizens. So am I even if I was born in Germany.
TexChik · F
@Jazzy Trump doesn’t hate Hispanics.
@Jazzy you have every right to be here don't let the stupid comments from these Trump ass kissers upset you you are not bad there is nothing wrong with you at all don't let anyone make you feel that you don't belong here
Timb63 · 61-69, M
My take is he doesn’t hate any race he hates lawlesness. He has said many times legal imigration is great. And the us system is messed up. This not done by him. But by congress over the last 50 years failing to fix that and many more problems. Because ther pockets are all lined by the wealthy. The problems in this country can not be blamed on any president. Congress passes the laws .
Timb63 · 61-69, M
Sorry the drone strike was Yemen
Timb63 · 61-69, M
Obama called for the conviction of the cop in mike brown case before any evadence Caused riots in the streets And once all the witness statements were brought out. As tragic as the situation was . I do wish it never happened . Obama was wrong !! Nothing said. Trayvan Zimmerman should have ben convicted he dissobayed the order of 911 followed him trayvan jumped him zimmerman killed him. Had he obayed the order of 911 trayvan would be allive. Zimmerman should have ben tried. If a cop did the same dissobayed a order to stand down he would have ben . So to say no president ever called for similar things is not true. Go back 1 president and find no only the same basic statments but the order of a exicution of a american but the killing of his son in the process. Thats way way worse than just a opped in a news paper. Not to mention Chris Sevens and everything done wrong by Obama Hillery valery and many more in that situation
Timb63 · 61-69, M
Those actions and inactions lead to many inocent americans deaths as bad as wrongfull convictions by withholding information by nyc in the nyc5 case is no comparison . I get the outrage in that case it was wrong on every level. But to say no other president has said similar things is not true. Trump was not president when he posted the oped. Obama was president ordered the murder by drone without conviction of an american citizen and in the process killed his son as well. Hell Trump is a saint comaired to that
hlpflwthat · M
Because hate & fear are what got him elected, Jazzy. And all that matters to people like El Cheetoh is winning.
Timb63 · 61-69, M
Trump has not called all illegals rapests. He said some are gang members ms13 murders rapests yes Cate steinley the young lady in iowa last month and hundreds of other americans killed raped tortured in the united states by illeagle’s is a fact. No these are our brothers and sisters,mothers fathers When doe’s that matter. Imigration is broken has ben for 50 years. It needs reform, guest worker programs for migrant workers that works through the state dept and dept of labor. Inforcement of imigration laws The majotity of haroin fentinal killing 300 plus a day comes in accross the southern boarder. If congress would do there job. Fix the long need system to let those that truly deserve to imigrate do so in a timley way . But they fail to do there jobs. I have a mexican born employee now us citizen . His parrents started his legal imigration process when he was 2 years old. He got a greencard at 19 . Why . Because congress has failed to do there jobs. If i asked my employee what he is meaning american or mexican he proudly says i’m american, i’m proud to agree . Also so proud of all he has done . He’smy highest payed employee lives the dreams his parrents had for him . My point is there are very bad people mixed in with very great people like my employee. Trump has said such. But we as a country owe it to those great people that deserve to come here a easyer way leagly faster way safer way than the mess congress has caused by there 50 years of inaction. They deserve to be safe in there lives we do as well . Unless the system is fixed we will continue to have a portion of these people be very bad for americans and those that truily deserve the greatness america offers
Timb63 · 61-69, M
my anger is with those that have had the power to fix this for years congressmen and women that have ben in office 20-30 years some of them on both sides dem and rep. Gotten very rich in the process . And the american people that keep electing them into office when its easily seen that they DO NOT do there jobs have not and do not have the strength or willingness to make the decisions that have to be made . Or god forbid know that they are not and just don’t give a damn. Sad but i think the latter is true
He's a dirty racist jackass that cares about no one but himself.
Timb63 · 61-69, M
The issue with ilegal imigration didn’t start with Trump , this problem is all on congress both republican and democrat. Refusing for over 50 years to do there jobs. Inacting a real imigration policy. Regan tried dems promissed to pass reforms then did nothing , Spineless republicans did nothing . Trump says there very bad people mixed in with good. The truth is if the united states congress did there jobs years ago this would not be an issue. Trump is a brash out spoken non pc old school guy. He is correct on boarder issues . I just wish he would tell the whole truth . This issue lays at both sides of congresses feet. The are elected to up hold the constitution. Then do everything but that. Pass unconstitutional laws and refuse to protect citizens they swore to do. Its not a mexican problem . Its a spinless week leadership in congress. That only cares about inriching themselfs at our cost
He’s a piece of basura . A cartoon
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
@SW-User Mi amiga.
@GeistInTheMachine Hola 🤗 I really don’t care for that man.
Trump’s a racist, going back decades. Not just against Latinos. He’ll use whomever he needs to for a photo op and say the right words grudgingly, but the bottom line is, he is a racist.
Timb63 · 61-69, M
Now anyone that challenges this power structure is demonized. Called ignorant racist bigiot and on and on . Socialists can’t win with truth and debate. All they do is slander and use the power of government to shut down anyone that challenges there power. Thus Trumps a racist bigot homophobe nazi Come on how can one person be every derogatory thing in the world . He’s by far not an angle. Not to mention you would have to believe that 40% of americans are nazis bigots racists the way the dems say. Anyone that voted for Trump are all just that. Simply a propaganda smear just like Hitler , marx, and stallin did all socialists comunists that ended up killing millions . Trump is non of that. Give power to the socialists in the democrat party and that has a better chance of happening than it ever will with Trump
Timb63 · 61-69, M
Until 1978 education was ran by the states . Congress unconstitutionally created the federal dept of education. Pryor to that all kids were taught the constitution and had to pass the test to graduate high school. We ranked #2-3 in education in the world. 35 years later we are ranked # 28-30 . Our inner city schools have ben failing more and more ever sense . Dragging our minority population further and further into poverty. While taking more and more to support the teachers union that fails our kids more and more . As a country we spend 70% more on education than anyother country. That $ all goes into the pockets of the top non teachers in education. Again federal gov failure
Timb63 · 61-69, M
I am by no means a blind Trumpian, hes no saint by any measure. But the out of controol outrage at anything he does or says is not healthy people. The spinn by marxests is textbook marxism, at best this guy has 8 years in office, your anger is miss directed . No president can do any major long lasting things unless congress allows it . All this anger drummed up at one man pushed by those you should be mad at for 20-30 years of failure after failure all to creat a grand utopia that is impossible to acheve in any way. Every time marxism comunism or dictator ship is tried it leads to death and starvation for those not in power. Eventually all the $ runs out . Eventually people like myself Buesness owner give up . They take all the wealth promiss grand utopian dreams free everything. Collage health care homes cars food . Push taxes so high that those that do work get nothing for there work. They then join the takers. When the takers take more than the producers give the system fails and no one gets anything. If you like eating your dogs,cat, and rats follow the marxest way you will eventually get it. All countrys that ever tried have ended in just that
hlpflwthat · M
Help. You've fallen and you can't shut up.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@hlpflwthat yes he speaks much truth so no need for him to shut up.
Timb63 · 61-69, M
Well to fall into line with any one party of elites should scare all people . Dem or Rep. niether have shown they have the best intrest of america . Get our young into needless wars, yes i’m a vet. Take office with $170.000 a year income . With in 4 years they are worth millions. I’m all for digging into Trumps taxes bues. Deals . Allong with every congress members and senates as well. Also Obamas Clintons Bushes Lets really show the american people how our so called leaders have sold out our country for over 50 years . And they are scared of Trump or anyone like Him . An outsider with the Balls to expose it all. I just wish it was someone other that Trump . Funny he was loved by dems when he was giving them $ as a buesness man. Went to Chelsey Clintons wedding . Hell may have ben on the flights to the child rape island with Bill clinton and his palls . He just had enough of seeing politicians sell out the country. I only hope he really puts the real truth out . The more the comunist socialists push there marxist ways . The better chance he will
Because you are in a drug gang and you rape white women in sanctuary cities.
Jazzy · 26-30, F
Tell me what city you live so I can rape your white women FuckFace
monte3 · 70-79, M
Trump has been very successful at saying whatever his base wants to hear. He said Mexicans were rapists because that is what his people want to hear. I don’t think he cares about Hispanics one way or other.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@monte3 brain dead this one is
monte3 · 70-79, M
Seriously dude!@MasterLee
Girlbehindthecurtain · 31-35, F
🤔because he envy of your skintone
Timb63 · 61-69, M
Berny down for the little people , against the wealthy, owns 3 homes worth over $800.000 each . Hunnymoon in moscow . While being the solviet union Hmmmm. Never held a job until he was 40yo only ben in government . Yet he knows everything there is about operating every industry in the country. Once medicare for all is inacted what do you think the chances are. Berny and all congress will be on that plan . Obama told us all when he was Running for pres. we should all have the same health care as him as a senator . Funny they passed the ACA with no republican support . And exempted themselfs . Hmmmmmm Thats just one example of socialism. Good for the masses . And exempt themselfs. Again marxist . Great for the top government officials. The masses always end up the same. Broke and eating there pets
TexChik · F
only a liberal, CNN disciple would say something that stupid.
TexChik · F
@Jazzy pffft ... because my head isn’t up my ass Libtard ? Trump has created an economy where blacks and Hispanics have the lowest unemployment ..., ever . Sounds horribly racist . However ... he will not abide illegal aliens . Unlike all the presidents before him who talked about the problem .., Trump is the first to do something about it . Ever ! AMERICA FIRST is his creed ... all Americans are who he’s talking about . Not illegals .
Jazzy · 26-30, F
@TexChik Do you call Mexicans “Beaners”? You fucking do don’t you?
TexChik · F
@Jazzy The Lady that works in my division ... is Hispanic . I call her Bernie or Mrs Luna . Just like a scumbag lib to try and put word in my mouth when your BS doesnt fly . 🙄🙄🙄. You need only look in the mirror to find a racist POS.
Timb63 · 61-69, M
Look back in history . Every time the democrats are confronted they always pull out the recist card . And the republicans run. Truth is the KKK was racist southern democrats. Hitler was a socialists . Slavery and the masters were southern dems. Jim crow laws inacted by dems. Segregation again dems. New deal dems in the cloak of stoping poverty. Yet only gave enough to stay in poverty. Keeps people inslaved to the new master politicians . If they really cared the best schools would be in impoverished areas . And the welfare would truily provide for there welfare. News flash it never has
Timb63 · 61-69, M
Trump isn’t Racist, he’s promoted people of most races in his companys his hole life. He’s a realist , see’s problems and solves them. In his time was a normal man with wealth rude crude and a horny dog. Truth said he’s told the truth. Enough $ gets you anything and most anyone. Men and women. These things were socially exceptable . The 60s were the love generation . Free love sex drugs party. Same reason Slick Willy felt rape was ok. I’m in no way saying any of it is . What i’m saying is this was the times . Just like at one time killing unboarn children was unexceptable . Now killing them after berth seams exceptable to 20%
Timb63 · 61-69, M
Just looked at ICE reports on deportation for Dec,Jan,Feb 60% visa overstays from mostly anglo white countrys , like sweeden gremany UK damn racist Trump
Timb63 · 61-69, M
I suggest reading the 8 enumerated powers of the federal government. Any other powers are the states, Thus most everything the federal gov doe’s is unconstitutional. The only way they can have these powers is to amend the constitution. Our congress knows this yet ignores it. Our founders understood giving unchecked power to one central gov. Would lead to the same tyranny they faught to be free of. Thus giving most powers to each state to decide for them selfs . This gives the most accountability over governing to the people. Not a all powerfull ruling class .
I think the official line is that he has no problem with legal immigration - but those that come across the border illegally are criminals.

and they come across the border requiring tax dollars that have not been budgeted.

and those that come across the border with a criminal history won't stop being criminals when they cross the border.
Jazzy · 26-30, F
@approachingmyexpirationdate He said that Mexicans are rapist, drug dealers and criminals. And he assumes that some of us are good people.
@Jazzy don't get me wrong I am in no way a trump supporter - and I would keep all my female family members away from him so he wouldn't grab them by the know.

he's coarse, has a big mouth, and says many stupid things.

and may win re-election....
Jazzy · 26-30, F
@approachingmyexpirationdate He will I think.
Timb63 · 61-69, M
Well jazzy I hope you look into these things and anyone else as well. Following anyone blindly is not good . The constitution followed correctly gives us all freedom to be the best we can be. No mater race religion sex as long as your not infrindging on anyone elses. America has had a lot of bad in its history. The wisdom of the constitution gave us the ability to correct that in time . There is no other country on earth that has these freedoms . No socialist government has ever created what the untied states has done . This doesn’t mean that we the people don’t have more to do . These things must be done with in our constitional system. It protects we the people. It limits what our government can do . Leaves all powers not given to the federal government to the states. The problem is Our federal government has not obided to the constitution . To get our power back we are left to inact a convention of states. It is the only way to correct the injustice the united states goverment has done to . Yours mine and all americans rites
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
I don't know we need immigrants we don't have a high enough birth rate here in the US.
@Subsumedpat Technically that’s who would need immigrants: a country with a low birth rate. Trump just doesn’t want them to be people of color having babies. If a boatload of white Europeans showed up he’d be fine with that and has said as much.
Timb63 · 61-69, M
Look at what congress is doing now , nothing to fix one issue in this country. Partizan fighting all over nonsense that makes nothing better for the working people . And now they are pushing more government controol when everything they have controol of now is failing . Why would anyone want these people to controol more!!! There track record is horable
Timb63 · 61-69, M
You want the imigration issue solved . Don’t blame Trump. Tell congress to do there jobs. Stop ignoring there constitutional dutys they swore under oath to up hold. Do the damn job they were elected to do. Stop endless investigations into stupid crap and do there jobs
Jazzy · 26-30, F
@Timb63 You’re fucking right. Two years with a Republican lead congress and nothing fixed.
Timb63 · 61-69, M
Don’t forget how many years we have had democrat lead congress as well. Along with republican , democrat presidents, The illegal imigration issues have ben ignored by both partys for 50 years. Its not a mexican only issue . Its comprehensive issue. Visa over stays, along with millions of people from many countrys crossing the southern boarder. Stupid laws out dated. There is no reason we do not have these issues fixed. Like having migrant worker visas able to be applied for at consulates. B4 they make dangorus journys only to enter ilegally . Being here illeagle doe’s not help them, they do not become legal members of this great country. Allow non citizens to break our laws. I want to know what laws the citizen can ignore as well. That would be none.
Timb63 · 61-69, M
Now today darling AOC has ben outed by funneling 2mil in campain funds into fake companys in her managers name. So much for being down for the little people
Timb63 · 61-69, M
Funny in government when a plan fails its never because it was a bad plan. Its always because it needs more $ and more freedome taken away
All you moronic Trump following racisits just prove how ignorant you are on every post accusing this young lady of being an illegal immigrant when you don't even know her how stupid are you trumptards
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@ExperienceDLT oh ok no idea who they are
@MasterLee it's cool man I just saw the comments they posted on this post just found them very rude judging a person they don't know
TexChik · F
@ExperienceDLT oh listen to the libtard . Mean ol’ President Trump is actually enforcing the law ?
Timb63 · 61-69, M
The only problem is that Trump actually wants to fix the problem . And both democrats and republicans for the most part. Both for there own reasons . Do Not want this . Republicans don’t want it because big bues. Wants slave trade labor. The democrats want the minority voters sence they have lost a huge group of middle class labor votes including african americans. All the hispanic issue is to dems is new voters. To republicans they are cheep labor. Both abusing them in there own way.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Better question: why do you believe the lies of those who tell you he hates you?
Timb63 · 61-69, M
Awm lol I’m by no way a trumper like most presidents They do some good some bad. But the major issues in this country lay at the feet of congress. Presidents have 8 years at best can only get done what congress allows. But we have congress, senators in office 25-30 years sworn to uphold the constitution and the citizens of this country. They have failed and have ben for 50 years
MasterLee · 56-60, M
He doesn't. That is liberal hype and hysteria.
21stCenturyFox · 26-30, F
Orange is superior in every way
Jazzy · 26-30, F
@21stCenturyFox I rather be brown than be orange. I have nothing against orange people
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
Because we make the best food.
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
Snobbery and racism.
monte3 · 70-79, M
He believes it is in his political interests to appear that way. He probably doesn’t care one way or another about Hispanics, or anyone else, including the angry white men (awm) that love him so.
Timb63 · 61-69, M
Seams The Racist sure is making life better for those he hates . Just like the democrat slave owners did. Get the picture. Lies lies lies Socialists are all lies
OnixBre · 26-30, M
He only likes blind followers that kiss his ass and worship his every bonehead move
popmol · 22-25, M
cause you aren't really hispanic anymore?
Jazzy · 26-30, F
@popmol I'm of Mexican descent.
Vgore0304 · 26-30, F
He hates illegal immigrants like you
@Vgore0304 Please provide proof of your accusation.

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