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Do you think there is a proper age to make your last will?

NeloAngelo · 26-30, M
if you have a dangerous occupation then its nice to have one. just update it annually or whenever you feel the need.
Casheyane · F
@NeloAngelo I'm 25 and I don't have a dangerous job, and yet I have one haha XD
NeloAngelo · 26-30, M
@Casheyane better safe than sorry then :D
oh wait 🤔
I think any age when you are on your own is a good age, obviously better to to before you get older.

Went through what happens when a family member doesnt have a will last year. Finally got through the legalities and other issues with personal property. Painful and expensive and could've been completely avoided, or minimalized if there was a will.
Casheyane · F
@TallMtnMedic Same. My father died without leaving a will. Giving us a hard time now. That's why I think it's always good to be prepared.
I'm sorry about your dad. As far as the will goes, I had put off making one until I went through the aftermath.

But you will get through it, as I have, albeit far less money and a pain.
butterfly1013 · 26-30, F
No, because tomorrow is never promised no matter how old you are.
MURD3RM0NK3Y · 26-30, M
No because you can die whenever
4meAndyou · F
When you are young you should have what is called a living will, in case there's an accident or you have a freak aneurism or something, just to make sure your wishes are known regarding artificial life support. In the living will you can assign one person to handle your affairs for you.

You should also leave instructions whether you want to be buried or cremated, and if you have an insurance policy or 401K at work, you might want to assign that to your next of kin, or to support your favorite feline in the style to which he should be accustomed.

Living wills and estate will are available for sale at Staples and most large office supply chains. They are straightforward forms, and if you want to get fancy a lawyer will do it for about a thousand dollars.
NomadLiving · 22-25, M
No, it should be constantly updated.
Casheyane · F
@NomadLiving Do you have one at your age?
NomadLiving · 22-25, M
@Casheyane Yes, I own very few things, but I've worked for what I have. There are people I know who if anything were to happen to me deserve those things. Life is harsh and unexpecting. One minute your fine the next you slowly forget who you are.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
no, best to do it now.
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
Yea the younger the better. Depends if you are married or have kid's. Do you own anything of real value. What would u like to be done with your body after u died
It's what you have matter rather than the age

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