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How come I can't remember most of the things I've studied?

How am I supposed to work in the future if I won't remember anything?😰
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Education isn't memorization, it's learning how to learn and critically think as well as gaining the right kind of knowledge in whatever area you're interested in.

You learn things through repetition which will be pretty obvious in any jobs.
tenente · 100+, M
@CountScrofula dude you're so right. imagine 16 year old you - had the knowledge and experience of adult you. what would you do? i'd be a little shit teenager that thinks i know everything about being an adult but then actually ACTUALLY knowing everything about being an adult. It would be the WORST. do you remember that kid in math class who would raise his hand and say "we're never actually going to use this in real life?" he wasn't the class jack ass, he was a time traveler
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@tenente Hahahaha. Yeah. Trigonometry was a front to hide us from taxes and aging parents.
tenente · 100+, M
It will come back to you while you build experience. You relearn on the job.
Aww ... how about swimming ? Or exercise class, great way to switch off from study time and meet new friends then return to the books 📚.... you got this.
Skeleton · 26-30, F
@SW-User I've never been good at any form of exercising😂 but thanks for advice😊
Can you review it quickly to remember it? Restudying it surely wouldn't take as much time as when you studied it for the first time. Would it?
I'm honestly worried about that in the future. I'm planning to be a doctor, and it's like, what if I forget all that shit?
YMITheWayIM · 46-50, M
I remember most of the things I studied. Working is still PIA
unless you're an engineer... work isn't anything like school.
celine211 · 22-25, F
Yeah they nees to introduce holistic in schools
Prisoner619 · 26-30, M
Build a memory palace.
KaiserSolze · 46-50, F
In the future maybe insert memory card into brain?
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Fake it. Everyone else does.
tenente · 100+, M
google 🙄

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