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Mxisxfunxxx · 56-60, F
Well are any of you teachers? There is nothing worst then feeling helpless. My daughters school is allowing teachers to have guns and I'm paying for her classes and giving her a gun.
@Mxisxfunxxx I'm confused you just said you were paying for it
Mxisxfunxxx · 56-60, F
@SW-User she is my daughter so I'm giving her the money to take the classes
@Mxisxfunxxx ok I gotcha...that is very cool. Our school district pays. What state do you live in?

SW-User Best Comment
Well thanks for the question and the debate and just let it be said.
If I'm ever in a store, school, etc and somebody comes in with a gun you can bet I will protect you and your kids along with my kid. I may get shot but I will die in a pile of spent shell casings.
@SW-User You’re welcome my friend and I would do the same 👍
goodlil666 · 51-55, MVIP
It doesn't have to be young life but any innocent person or persons not able to defend themselves in a situation of imminent threat.
@goodlil666 That too 👍
The best idea ever. How many school shooters are gonna take the chance of going into a school where faculty is armed? My daughter goes to school where teachers/administration has been armed since 2013. We've had no problems whatsoever. I fully support this.
@SW-User our teachers go thru training and mental tests every 3 months
@SW-User Alright then I feel it’s fine for teachers to be armed, as long as they have a periodic checkup of there well being every 3 months.
@SW-User of course we aren't gonna let a bunch of deranged teachers with guns be with our children all day. I am totally happy knowing my daughter is being protected by school officials while at school.
Allelse · 36-40, M
A bloody stupid idea. If you have cancer, adding more cancer to your body is not going to solve it.
Allelse · 36-40, M
@SW-User Yes, whatever helps you sleep at night.
@Allelse you’re both acting like immature jerks but do you really think you were better than him
Allelse · 36-40, M
@SW-User Huh? What are you going on about?
Why could the teacher not go beserk? I think it is a bad idea
Anything is possible, you’re right.@SW-User
I've felt there should be armed staff in schools and churches for a long time. I think we should have completely unrestricted open carry. I bet people would be much more polite in general.
@SW-User @Pitchblue Arguments would be far less likely to escalate unless the individuals were just 'gunslingers' to begin with.
@puck61 So a movie night might turn in to a shoot out but it's OK knowing you'll be used for fertilizer. This is one of your more logical posts on Gun Control.
@Pitchblue First this weirdness that has come up everywhere has to go. You didn't have school shootings in the 19th century. All this microaggression and identity bullshit has to fade away first. I personally think this brave new world is not very brave at all. Somewhere down the line 'intestinal fortitude' became a 'bad' thing. People quit praying, and families fell apart. A whole bunch of crazy ideas and social tragedies have contributed to weirdness we have now. It didn't happen over night, and it won't go away over night. It probably won't go away at all. In fact the "weirdness" that I speak of will probably continue to get worse, and we will become a nation of carebear fascists under a totalitarian police state within fifty years.
I know a lot of teachers. I have several in my family. I used to teach at one point. None of us ever wanted to double as security guards, soldiers or police.That’s not what the job should entail. If they need to hire actual security guards or invest in metal detectors, as they already do at “problem” schools, that would make much more sense.
@bijouxbroussard Well said and I appreciate your eloquent response.
abe182 · 46-50, M
Teachers need to teach. If they wish to be armed I think they should have that choice. But the deterrent should be police or ex-military in the hallways and one entrance in and out. Yes it makes PE a little hard too bad.
goodlil666 · 51-55, MVIP
Totally support it, 100 percent. The only thing to stop a bad guy with a gun a good guy with a gun. I am also in favor of our public protectors, Police, FBI doing there jobs and stopping nutcases when they have numerous indications and complaints that an individual or individuals are likely to commit violent crimes, and should be held accountable when they fail to act accordingly to stop or end such activity. It's called dereliction of duty.
. Remember there are several cases in the USA where armed school staff have prevented a tragedy before it even started, Pearl Miss. is one I can recall off hand.
It would require another 2nd amendment as it is against the constitution for a public agency to be armed. (unless that public entity is a public militia formed to overthrow a tyrannical government.
@Coyotedave611 totally untrue bullshit
Sicarium · 46-50, M
@SW-User Right? Lol, it's like he thinks no one's seen a cop on the street.
@Coyotedave611 I live in the state of Arkansas we started arming teachers and administration back in 2013.
I would have been shot many times throughout my school years
TacoCat · 22-25, M
@SW-User lol same
@SW-User Tbh I probably would’ve been shot too 😂
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Properly vetted and trained - likely a good idea.
WeighedDown · 36-40, M
Stupid idea
Yep 👍 @WeighedDown
While my personal stance is against it, it's been effective in several states. Ultimately, I still believe that it's a short-sided solution to a deeper systemic problem that few wish to address.
iQuit · F
This shows a valid point in how even a teacher can accidentally shoot a student if such a case were to happen (start at 3:44)
iQuit · F
@SW-User 🙂 Oh honey, I thought you'd had your peace and said good night.
Well, hopefully you manage to muster up many more clever ideas in your sleep.
Good night!
@iQuit good night isabella. Speak to you soon.
iQuit · F
@SW-User Good nigh Melly 🙂 May you be inspired!
I wouldn’t want my teachers armed
@Allelse Oh jeez he probably would have if given the opportunity. Poor guy lol
Allelse · 36-40, M
@SW-User Yeah I feel really sorry for him, I even felt sorry for him at the time but I couldn't help it! That and the angrier he got, the worst his impediment became! Poor bugger.
@Allelse Haha he probably went home and drowned his sorrows over a pint of beer
It's Trump's idea.

He is a moron.
Sicarium · 46-50, M
I'm fine with the concept.
Damn stupid idea.
If it's no longer a Gun Free Zone, anyone that's old enough gets a gun, right?
@Pitchblue if you have a conceal/carry
@SW-User Every one has a gun and it makes everyone happy and there are no more shootings.
Dusty101 · F
Just a pity it has to come to this.. "a no gun law" would might be a possibility.. it works here.. the only few things a kid has done in our schools is set the fire alarm off, key a teachers car, flood the gym toilets, graffiti, not wear the right uniform and perhaps make a jenga tower out of table and chairs!!!
But we know that ain't gonna happen.. can't drink till 21 but sure own a gun at 18.. I'd rather be downing a pint in the usa at 18 than downing the innocence at school with a fire arm.
wetncthru · F
No need ... The Donny is in the phone box changing into his red underwear ...
@wetncthru now that’s what this country needs
wetncthru · F
@SW-User Off to the next academic atrocity, faster than a speeding Twitter
TacoCat · 22-25, M
If I had kids I would be hesitant to have them being taught by someone who has a gun on their waist
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If the teacher is willing, why not?
Mert5356 · 41-45, M
It will only lead to more problems and not solving anything
@Sicarium none at my daughters school and they've been armed for almost 5 years now.
[image deleted]
goodlil666 · 51-55, MVIP
Amen, if every school had a sign like that out front, these cowards would think long and hard before they did something stupid.@SW-User
@SW-User That sign is great, every school should have one.
USAalltheway · 31-35, M
I think they would finally be able to teach those spoiled brats the meaning of respect.
WeighedDown · 36-40, M
@USAalltheway yea I bet Matthew does not interrupt class anymore.
Sazzio · 31-35, M
Teacher: OH NO! I lost me gun! Student: FOUND IT! Here you go! :) Teacher: Thank you! Am sure all students are like you... Simply hand it back.
Sicarium · 46-50, M
@Sazzio You may lack any sense of responsibility when it comes to a weapon, but don't project that onto every teacher.
Sazzio · 31-35, M
TightyWhiteyKing · 26-30, M
If they are please dont tazer me for the wrong answers
MethDozer · M
Forcing teachers to be armed or allowing teachers who are armed to remain so on school property?

Here's the main issue I see with this idea. At some point there is going to be the group of a few bad kids who decide to bum rush the teacher to try and get their gun. When that attempt is made the teacher is going to have no recourse but to fire his/her weapon at them. Then when we have dead students over this what happens next?
MethDozer · M
@Sicarium The short sightedness being displayed here is too much.
f you really think having a gun alone makes you equal then there is no point in continuing. Agree to disagree.

I guess I was fine enough just owning my firearms the past 25 years and all the practice with them and other security measures I've taken in life were a waste of money. Reacting to a threat and shooting them is just so easy-peasy anyone can do it.🙄

"Also, yeah, cops are fully capable of doing their duties and being human when carrying a firearm. They don't randomly get confused and shoot you instead of writing you a speeding ticket."

Umm shit like that happens kinda often in the real world. So yeah... Not to mention if you think teaching an entire class of children or teens is anything like writing a traffic ticket to one adult you have no respect for the profession.
Sicarium · 46-50, M
The short sightedness being displayed here is too much.
f you really think having a gun alone makes you equal then there is no point in continuing.

I specifically said most cases. But hey, why bother actually reading and comprehending when you can pretend to be superior instead?

I guess I was fine enough just owning my firearms the past 25 years and all the practice with them and other security measures I've taken in life were a waste of money. Reacting to a threat and shooting them is just so easy-peasy anyone can do it.

So you believe you have some super-human capability that the rest of the human population is unable to attain? Sorry, you're not that special.

Umm shit like that happens kinda often in the real world.

Weasel words that mean nothing. Define "kinda often".

So yeah... Not to mention if you think teaching an entire class of children or teens is anything like writing a traffic ticket to one adult you have no respect for the profession.

That's not what I said, at all. Why be an asshole? Why the moralizing? But since you want to play that game, you seem to think teachers have some inability to learn how to use a firearm. But you've learned. Why do you believe teachers as a whole are so inferior to you?

Actually, skip that. You're more interested in twisting what I say to suit some need to be morally superior. So, fuck it. Useless conversation and complete waste of time.

We currently have armed teachers. They're doing fine. If a situation happens where they're not fine, we'll deal with it and adapt. Your hysteria is pointless. Have fun.
MethDozer · M
@Sicarium "
So you believe you have some super-human capability that the rest of the human population is unable to attain? Sorry, you're not that special'

Yum yum yum, that's some sweet spin doctoring and word twisting. lol

Sorry, but if you need someone to define often then we are done here. Go on, take your few small cases of a few rural places having armed teachers for a few short years as proof this is going to go off great. Let the teachers handle the jobs of police instead of putting police where they should be. Why bring in the professional. Gun is gun and go boom so is all need. 👍
MethDozer · M
Helps with using the chalkboard.
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They should have security checkpoint at every school to prevent tragedies.@Mguinm
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