Um, when facts are involved, all of this goes out the window.
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quietlitany · 36-40, M
@SW-User It is actually. Some things can't be measured, such as human emotion and interaction, so it's needed to define governments. Plato's ideas on Truth also discuss this, a realm above understanding. This is what my pic was getting at, a different way of looking at facts, understanding what is subjective and what is objective. If you just want to talk science, my stuff will eventually have nothing to offer.

@quietlitany I like the conversation though.
quietlitany · 36-40, M
@SW-User The folks who looked into that social phenomena have come to understand people are out of their houses more, interacting with society, getting angry, impatient with the increased amount of people and temperature, so more opportunities for crime, premeditated or otherwise occur.
LucyCan · 26-30, F
It's certain that subjective and objective truth will match in some people. Whatever the others believe shouldn't be likened to truth at all. It should be called fantasy or experiential knowledge or something.
And the picture is misleading. It fails to depict anyone possessing truth. Rather, it suggests that nobody does. That's baloney. In fact, nobody is further ahead by looking at this illustration. It leads nowhere.
And the picture is misleading. It fails to depict anyone possessing truth. Rather, it suggests that nobody does. That's baloney. In fact, nobody is further ahead by looking at this illustration. It leads nowhere.
quietlitany · 36-40, M
@LucyCan I like objectivity better. I think it trumps the subjective every time, despite the value of subjective quality of certain things. Art for example.
LucyCan · 26-30, F
@quietlitany The big question is how to best arrive at objective truth- especially in the matter of finding reality. For those who are unfamiliar with this topic: reality = absolute truth. Working forward seems sensible, but this requires a two pronged approach using both introspection and extrospection.
ItsAllAboutLove · F
When I type down here "my own truth", I'm only talking about being honest. I know we have to choose our words carefully. They can be so powerful, and so easy being misunderstood... I like your post there.
Thodsis · 51-55, M
It seems to also be the case that the things that require active 'belief' are those that are least likely to be true.
quietlitany · 36-40, M
@Thodsis I'm not knocking beliefs, but they are very vulnerable to issues of validity. Obviously, lol
TheConstantGardener · 56-60, M
That's a nice graphic. I don't want to go too deep here because I like what you say but subjective 'truth' is a bit of a minefield.
quietlitany · 36-40, M
@TheConstantGardener Anything subjective is, I agree, but I'm more about the objective stuff where it is available. It isn't always :)
KaysHealingPath · 36-40, F
This reminds me of the “this is an apple” commercial on CNN 😂
Pherick · 41-45, M
@KaysHealingPath You mean the banana commercial?
KaysHealingPath · 36-40, F
@Pherick 😂 yeah that one lmfao
There is only one truth
Pherick · 41-45, M
Just like building a house.
You have a foundation, facts. However, the type of house you build on top of that foundation is up to you. In theory, you should build a house that as each level goes up, the level before it is well supported by the foundation.
Though you could build a really shit house, that somehow still stands, even though all your levels are moronic.
You have a foundation, facts. However, the type of house you build on top of that foundation is up to you. In theory, you should build a house that as each level goes up, the level before it is well supported by the foundation.
Though you could build a really shit house, that somehow still stands, even though all your levels are moronic.
quietlitany · 36-40, M
@Pherick this made me laugh, I got background in construction lol
bijouxbroussard · F
It sounds like the difference between facts and perspective. 🤔
quietlitany · 36-40, M
@bijouxbroussard And truth. There are some things that are demonstrably true for everyone, despite the facts and perspectives, such as gravity. Or death.
bijouxbroussard · F
@quietlitany Wouldn’t those be categorized as facts ? 😕
quietlitany · 36-40, M
@bijouxbroussard A fact can be misleading, misunderstood, misrepresented, etc. Truth is understood through the lens of facts. It is a fact you'll fall. It is a fact you don't fly off into space. Your weight is a fact. Gravity is seen though these facts, as it is objectively true. Subjective truth doesn't do this. Like in the pic, it's only seeing what you want to see.