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Who was the most toxic person you've known?

Do you still have contact with that person?
Gangstress · 41-45, F
Omg no. She faked her suicide! That bitch. Cut off all ties 😤
Gangstress · 41-45, F
@CheshireCatalyst @SW-User it's really wrong. I had so many emotions at the time. Real bad times if honest.
@Gangstress That's crazy.
Gangstress · 41-45, F
@SW-User I kbow bud. I question people even know. It was horrible.
Topumasum · 26-30, F
I lived with her.
My 2nd oldest sister (I'm the 3rd out of 4)

-No one can even joke infront of her whilst she gets to call her losers, monster, old hag and still excuse herself that she was joking. We can't even joke about her funny expressions.

-She gets offended to the smallest things. She kicked me out of the house because I mentioned vaping in her in laws...when they were not home and her cousin-in-law was in another room, with the door locked. She kicked me out because, apparently, he must have heard it and I ruined her image in front of her in laws.

-I needed a place to stay for 7 days and she asked me to stay somewhere else. This is bangladesh. You cant just manage to stay somewhere else.
My dad. Yes, I keep in touch. He won't be around much longer. I don't like people to die alone, unforgiven, and miserable. I tune out the bad things he always says.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
My father, among other things he murdered my mother and I suspect others.
this one psycho i dated years ago. lied and told several people that i got her pregnant then told them i forced her to have an abortion. she is probably the biggest habitual liar that i have ever known. used to make up stories about being in the hospital to get attention. now, she actually is really sick and has to undergo dialysis. karma is a real bitch.
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MasterLee · 56-60, M
Local bishop, I try not to
DanielChristensen · 46-50, M
There have been lots, but the worst was my childhood best friend. We grew apart in adulthood, drugs and alcohol usage really exacerbated his already very loudmouthed behavior. He stalked me for the better part of 6 years, mostly online, when I ended the friendship
I work with them 🤢
Classified · M
Some people I met who wanted money. Besides that that cost me money, it cost me some happiness and trust too. I used to be happy when I could make people who needed it happy with money. That is not entirely gone, but it made me more reserved.
Different levels of different Devils. Plenty of toxic people around. I avoid like the plague! Ironically though they do actually teach me a very valuable lesson on how NOT to behave as a human being. 😁😃😉
I know 3 or 4 that are about equally as bad. They could get sucked into a hideous black hole and no one would ever miss them.
WildHeart · 41-45, F
I family member I once considered a sister to me. No, I have cut all ties with her. Its been 3 years since we spoke.
I dont have any contact with my ex anymore, but for now I still have contact with 2 of my old coworkers
PepperMint · 26-30, F
We used to be good friends. We don't talk anymore but I still kinda miss them.
SugarRush · 31-35, F
Ex's mother.. no, She's long gone and she's not seeing her grandchildren either.
My mom and yes but I always have my guard up around her
Nope , gotta cut those people off quick .
beepbopbeep · 31-35, F
I am that person. And I can't get rid of myself
Yes lol ugh idk why she loves me
blocked her.. use to be friends.
My sister, maybe 3 or 4 times a year
CheshireCatalyst · 36-40, M
No thank God. My ex girlfriend.
SageWanderer · 70-79, M
My ex, enough said!
Ex-wife and nope.
celine211 · 22-25, F
My "father"
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Miram · 31-35, F
It's me 😏
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
Exfiance. No.

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