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Isn't it sad that we all have to adapt to a malicious minority so often?

And no, I'm not talking about "having to put up with" people wearing rainbow shirts. I mean 50k soccer fans not being able to finish watching a match because thirty people lighted fireworks, airport security being a nightmare for everyone due to four terrorists two decades ago, people missing out on meaningful conversations because they hold back to prevent being scammed or catfished by maybe 5% of strangers.

Of course we can't keep a match going if the stadium is on fire, let everyone take whatever they want on a plane, or be completely open with any stranger we meet, because that can have disastrous effects. But it's pretty unfair that we all give up so much freedom and enjoyment because relatively few people make it necessary to adjust and adapt, don't you think?

What's the solution though? 🤷
tenente · 100+, M Best Comment
human sacrifice 🙏
@tenente that might be the only thing that works indeed. 🥲

BlueVeins · 22-25
I've read before that there's only like 175,000 active cartel members in Mexico. And like yeah that's a lot for a bunch of criminal gangs, sure, but bro, it's also like 1 in 1,000 Mexicans and the rest of them apparently just have to put up with it. That's insane.
@BlueVeins exactly my point! It makes sense that all those people take precautions to protect themselves against the cartel, but it's ridiculous that 175M make significant changes to deal with 175k bad ones.
No matter what controls you put in place, people will always find work arounds.

Restrict liquids to 100ml or less??? They find ways to concentrate the contraband items...

Ban non-pilots from the cockpit??? They infiltrate...

Require people to own passports??? They move from country to country on small boats...
@HootyTheNightOwl the fact that it's not even effective makes it even worse...
@NerdyPotato Effectiveness is subjective... I have little doubt that murder would be more commonplace if we remove the laws and harsh punishments that keep the total crime numbers relatively suppressed.

How long do you think it'd be before we have a disaster comparable to the Titanic if we decided to lift all the laws related to crew and passenger safety tomorrow???

If they stopped screening pilots for mental illness - how many pilots with terroristic intentions could potentially get through and into cockpits??? How many people will even want to fly if they knew that their pilot was talking about ending it all with his therapist last week???

Could psychological examinations of cruise ship Captains have prevented Costa Concordia from happening??? We'll never know...

Just because certain people will always find ways around whatever safeguards we put in place, it doesn't necessarily mean that they're "bad" and we shouldn't even bother to have them in place at all.
@HootyTheNightOwl ok, all these limitations for everyone so help a bit, but we give up a whole lot of freedom and entertainment for more safety and still aren't remotely safe.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
I really do get this. I suggest a show of hands vote, followed by summary execution if the majority supports it..😷
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@NerdyPotato Its not malicious. I agree with Spock that the needs of thr many outweigh the needs of the few. Dont you hate those people who use an ATM to right their will while a queue forms behind them??😷
@whowasthatmaskedman I have no idea what any of that means...
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@NerdyPotato Just reinforcing your point that a few people can stuff it up for the rest..😷
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
Yep. There's always one аsshоӏе or a group of аsshоӏеs.

Found that in prison especially. They had a rule against people playing role-playing games like D&D. (It's been lifted since, because it's proven that if people can escape reality, they won't try to escape prison.) The reason for the rule was that this group of inmates in an Idaho prison were ostensibly playing the game, but really they were role-playing their escape from prison for two years before finally executing it.
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
The only one which seems at times impossible is for people to stop being selfish
@Moneyonmymind very true...
tenente · 100+, M
create a safe environment without impinging on the freedom of others 🤔 compromise seems inevitable. tech is getting better at predicting and preventing these issues, and take targeted actions against those people. idk it's one of these 'that's life' moments 🤷‍♂️
@tenente that would be great. But creating a safe environment is difficult without checks that impact people who do belong there too. And even then no "borders" in any sense of the word are perfect.
tenente · 100+, M
@NerdyPotato ugh 🤦‍♂️ people are so peopley
@tenente indeed...

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