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INSANITY: With Economy Collapsing and Border Wide Open, Democrats Unveil ‘Transgender Bill of Rights’

The priorities of the fascist Democrat Party are sick and delusional. With Biden destroying the economy and Justice Department and allowing anyone to enter the country unvetted, the Democrats are working on a trans bill of rights.

The average American is trying to make it to the next paycheck due to the massive inflation and high gas prices created by the Biden regime, yet Democrats think the number one priority today is a trans bill of rights. This is priority number 1,000 for the average American if even that. Biden’s America is facing a recession and the Democrats are pushing trans rights!

It's as if the left keeps heaping more and more crap on the fire to piss off citizens enough to snap and start climbing into clock towers with high powered rifles.
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TexChik · F
When they could be working to improve things, that help all Americans, this is what they do?
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
The timing of this is so it fails, then they can blame the Republicans, then pander for votes using this as a wedge issue.
I love the smell of a dumpster fire desperately pandering to minorities for November votes in the morning..
they’ve lost the latinos… 😁
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
@richa Courtesy of those who do not know what a woman is....
richa · 36-40, M
@sunsporter1649 transgender women have more rights than the real women
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wildbill83 · 41-45, M
it's ironic really; any time the democrats cater to a specific group in the name of equality, all it ever accomplishes is creating more hate and turning them into targets...

black/white relations were better than they ever were until obama came along and politicized racism...again... his administration singlehandedly set civil rights back 40 years...

it's the same with gays/transgenders... trying to force acceptance only causes more resentment
richa · 36-40, M
He only job is to push agendas, and that's what he's doing
boudinMan · 61-69, M
as if trans people don't have the same rights as everyone else.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
When Your Doctor is a LEFTIST!
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start climbing into clock towers with high powered rifles.

Do it. America burning and killing its own people for a change makes great tv.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
LOL, you are going to get even more democrats to complain about thanks to the dumb asses going with the big lie and the tossing of roe v wade.
The dems don’t give a fuck about the transgendered or as we’ve seen our American blacks. IMO if the cabal in power now stays in power, there will come a time where those they pandered to will be subjugated.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Women's sport is what we call down under - totally fucked. Transgenders should never be allowed to play against females
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