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Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
You're a quick-change artist...? 🤔
TexChik · F
@Thinkerbell Quick disconnects?
checkoutanytime · M
Fairydust · F
There’s only 2 genders, you can make the rest up If you want.
Penny · 46-50, F
well, nowadays you can but not in microseconds and you need help from doctors to do it. kind of freaky huh
PatKirby · M
Yep, but even if a doctor removed or added your junk in a TakeMyDikFromMe or AddADikToMe operation your DNA will forever indicate the truth, XY male or XX female chromosome. There is no technology that exists that can magically change one to another, that's only within the whimsical mind.
Yep, but even if a doctor removed or added your junk in a TakeMyDikFromMe or AddADikToMe operation your DNA will forever indicate the truth, XY male or XX female chromosome. There is no technology that exists that can magically change one to another, that's only within the whimsical mind.
Driver2 · M
Why not ? You already willed yourself to be ridiculous
Ontheroad · M
So yeah, change your mind whenever you want, but without somehow claiming it and notifying others, you'll have to deal with whatever we think you are. It's on you, not us.
trolling for?
Freeranger · M
Don't wish to burst your bubble but, you're a little bit late to the ball.
[image/video deleted]
You have dong?
OriginalDumbMan · 36-40
@SW-User that's not a proper question you should be asking a lady. you misogynist.
@OriginalDumbMan You have dong.
TallMtnMedic · M
Currently I identify as an A-10 bc i will destroy a lot of shit and make it took cool a.f. (also maybe ive identified as a warthog for Halloween one year, so...)
Tomorrow I'll identify as hungover, Sunday as Blood Mary.
Thats allowed, right, based off woke feelings right?
Tomorrow I'll identify as hungover, Sunday as Blood Mary.
Thats allowed, right, based off woke feelings right?
Gangstress · 41-45, F
Ok analcystbot
CestManan · 46-50, F
The way people assume gender online is when men start trying to PM you excessively.
TexChik · F
uh huh. If you dont have a gender, (M-F) do you really even exist?
revenant · F
Of course. It is the new era
Do you have a micropenis, is that why you think that you're able to switch??
eMortal · M
@SW-User 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
Are you the alt of the tunarobot guy?