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I Support Gay Rights

I want to be as respectful as I can, but I simply cannot anymore.

Dear people, who think straight pride month is a good idea. I’m not bashing your opinion, I’m now just going to explain my point of view.

Please read:

It is illegal to be gay in 73 countries.

It is illegal to be gay in 73 countries.

That is 37% of the world.

It is illegal to be ME, in 37% of the world.

And out of those 73 countries, in 11 of those countries, my life would be taken away from me, I would be killed, for simply being me.

In 5% of the world, I would be killed for being me. It might not seem like a lot, but it is.

This wouldn’t happen in any country for heterosexuals.

We have pride month to celebrate that just recently we got the rights that we deserve as basic human beings.
For the past centuries, we have been disowned, discriminated against, oppressed, beaten, and killed for being who we are. And in 2016 we finally got the right to marry.

We are proud for coming this far.

We deserve to be proud.

Now, I am not ever saying that white people or heterosexuals don’t struggle, because everyone struggles in their life. But I am simply pointing out that they have never struggled for being white or straight. And the point of pride month, or black history month it celebrate us, the minority.

You guys have never been the minority, and most likely never will be.

Stop trying to turn everything into something for you guys.
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mrh1972 · MVIP
I wish this had happend for people with disabilities, i might be a little bit more tolerant of it, but it hasnt we are still shunned and disregarded in every aspect of life.
I could say a lot regarding this but I shall try to be ladylike and hold my tongue concerning some regards.

I find it rather appalling that is so hard for some to celebrate people who associate differently than they do. It has been quite a struggle for the LBGTQ+ community to get to where it is today--and that deserves recognition much as the accomplishments of any other ethnic or social group. And yet so many try to change the dialogue and discourse of the month and make it about them.

LGBTQ+ is a social issue! It is not a political issue or a religious issue. Some have tried to make it that way. It is a movement. Just like desegregation was in 1954. Or the Civil Rights Act of the 1960's. Those were social that became political as the only way fairness would be had was by laws being passed.

I was a 2nd wave feminist. meaning in 1968 I was all for equality for her and not just in the workplace. We, as 2nd wave feminist achieved much and made lives much easier for millions of women.

Now I am for equality for ALL of the LGBTQ+ spectrum. I am not longer that feminist. We did our job! But I want it as passionately as I did for her in 1968!

None own equity and equality and if all do not have it society fails.

Shame on any of you who treat those in that spectrum as less. Hetero is NOT the minority.

NicoleA · 26-30, F
@Elandra77 Elandra, many cultures and religions do not approve of this life style so why should this be forced on to them same to change? When someone comes to here in America we tell them follow and adopt to our culture and laws, hence, who are to force other parts or the world and country to adopt our laws? What if they come and force you to live by their laws?
@aaaabbbb i never said anything about foreign countries, beliefs or religions. You did and are trying of make something out of nothing. I find it rather sad that so many countries are oppressive of those who relate , or would relate as LGBTQ+ but cannot.

However if you are trying to pick a fight and start a conversation that was never intended I suggest you leave my thread and find another for you habe found the wrong person for that.

Your questions I am not answering.
NicoleA · 26-30, F
God, please look at this. It’s the funniest thing ever
@NicoleA Pretty funny.
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
Yes, and they have to try to turn this post into a pissing contest about how bad it is in the Middle East compared to Europe and the US (as if you hadn’t already brought up that fact).
I haven’t had such a struggle, as most people think I’m white (while primarily of European descent, I also have African, Middle Eastern and Southeast Asian ancestry) and straight (although married to a woman, I’m actually bisexual).
I also know that if people knew all of that, I’d have had much more of a struggle.
So here is my question why should it be imposed on others if a country has a law, it is their law, who are we to tell them how to live and govern their lives? If those countries choose not to. I am struggling to understand grade 4 and 5 kids are being told by school teachers for them to be gay is okay, and they can share everything with them. Why if a straight person does not want to participate or share this life style is being sugjected to harrasment that he or she is racisit?
IHateMyLife0MeDie · 46-50, M
@aaaabbbb I can see how someone who is even supportive of gay pride would be upset at some of the costumes and "clothes" worn at the parade. Some are hardly wearing anything at all. There are decency laws and they should be fined if they break it. I think they should be stricter with the dress codes for these. People bring their children, some very young, to these events.

I heard the parades can be different at different places though. So in another forum someone said that in Israel the people are dressed very appropriately, noone showing anything vulgar.

So I do think you brought up a good point. I'll give you a link to another forum that handled it better.

I don't undertsand what the other thing is you're trying to say though. They can express themselves as long as it doesn't infringe on other people. Are you saying people are being harassed for being straight? I don't understand.
@IHateMyLife0MeDie The point I’ve heard many times is some people feel infringed on by being exposed to it at all, so people of a different orientation have a right to express themselves as long as they’re not visibly expressing it or have nothing to express. It’s not that they are being judged for being hetro but that they are so appalled by seeing different orientation that they feel that they are infringed on simply by being exposed to any of it all in the first place.
@IHateMyLife0MeDie Those that feel that way would prefer us back in the closet in society so they can pretend that we don’t even exist. It’s fine for them to hold hands or kiss on the lips... just not us.
IHateMyLife0MeDie · 46-50, M
I have no problem with Gay Pride month. I have a complicated take on Straight Pride month. There's usually some sort of conservative agenda behind it, and is a backlash towards Gay Pride. If you can divorce it with conservatism then I actually would have no problem with it.

The only Straigh Pride I support for now is the one in Finland.
Helsinki, Finland (2011): Contrary to most straight prides, the Helsinki gay pride march organizers themselves arranged a group called "Ylpeät Heterot" ("Proud Heterosexuals") as a part of the gay pride march for those heterosexuals who want to show their support for the march.[33]

I'll just say also a person can be white and experience racism and maybe this can constitute as struggle for being white?. He or she can live in a neighborhood predominantly non-white and feel some isolation. I saw a documentary in PBS about life Barrow, Alaska. A girl there did not feel accepted because she was white. I'm not even sure if she's purely white, but she was half caucasian atleast. She brought it up and she dreamed of leaving the place.

Anyway I agree with a lot of your other posts. And even here I suspect we agree for the most part. Peace to you.
IHateMyLife0MeDie · 46-50, M
The documentary with the girl feeling isolated and not welcomed is from America Reframed: Children of the Arctic, Episode 4, Season 10
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NicoleA · 26-30, F
And that is the whole point of the post. I know struggle, you assume I don’t. But you should know that I was thrown out of my home when I was 16, for being gay....

That is struggle.... And I deserve to celebrate overcoming that struggle
AndrewC1993 · 31-35, M
@IstillmissEP The Saudis are evil.
AndrewC1993 · 31-35, M
@NicoleA Yes, u do.
midnightsun · 26-30, M
Where are you from?
NicoleA · 26-30, F
I’m not originally from the US, but I currently do live here
Cantsayno · 56-60, M
The gay pride is fighting for equal rights and being able to be themselves.
As a straight white man, I’ve never felt prejudice against me.
Straight pride is a joke. Yes you can proud of who you are. But to have a straight pride day? That’s just stupids
MkKoolKid · F
@Ember5 I'm still not accepted for being pansexual. Any advice for me to deal with the jerks in my high school? I really don't wanna graduate without any friends.
MkKoolKid · F
@Ember5 I was born in, and live in, a homophobic country.
Ember5 · 22-25, F
@MkKoolKid Oh, well in that case... let's raise some rainbow flags! 😂(only me or if anyone wants to join)
MkKoolKid · F
@Ember5 lol i will
Alexandru1990 · 31-35, M
I live in a country where its legal to be gay, but population its very closed mind to gay :(.

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