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Were your family accepting of you when you came out?

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Yes, they were accepting
No, they were not accepting
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I came out to my family in December 2020, as FTM. Initially, my parents were confused, asking me why I wanted to become a boy. I explained to them that I've felt dysphoria surrounding my body and my gender since my age was in the single digits. I told them that I'd attended an appointment with a doctor who told me that I meet the criteria for gender dysphoria and I'm going to be referred to a gender clinic. I told them it will be a long wait, but it will be worth it to me because I can finally get to be who I truly am rather than living in a body that isn't my own. They began to get curious and started to ask me questions, my dad seemed genuinely curious, my mom still seemed a little confused.

Then, my mom began to get curious and ask questions in a sympathetic tone. My anxiety about coming out started to dwindle, I explained to them everything I know about the trans community, gender, gender affirming care, and other things related to the experience of being transgender. They eventually just said, well, you are our child, and we want you to live your best life, it's not going to be easy to get the care I want, but they welcomed me with open arms and told me they would support me every step of the way. I've never felt so proud of my family for accepting me like this. All the festering anxiety that I had just evaporated at that point.

I've been on T for 2 months now, and I've never felt happier, even though I know things are going to get a lot better for me.
UndeadSona · F
I was 50/50 tbfh. Had a traumatic experience coming out with my father and one sister back in 2014 ended up with police and a hospital trip (he tried to get me committed after assaulting me). But my Mom was just annoyed I didn't tell her first since they're divorced. Not that she really accepted it until laterish
BarbossasHusband · 36-40, M
I'm very happy for you.

My sisters know I'm FTM and support me, but my older relatives don't know yet because I know they won't accept it by the way they talk about transpeople in general AND the fact they still give me sheet for dropping meat from my diet 10 years ago. (If I was one of those people who tried convincing others to stop eating meat I'd get it, but I made a promise to myself and everyone else I'd never be that person)
Convivial · 26-30, F
Families can be most surprising when it counts 🤗
FinsterCatt · 16-17, T
i came out to my parents last night. can't wait to get yelled at on how being gay is bad (ftm)

You're so lucky to have accepting parents :33
BigImo · 22-25, F
I never actually came out to them cos I was never in. I and they just always knew I was pan
BabyDolls · 22-25, T
@BigImo I think my family were the same but were in denial
InHeaven · F
My family was never accepting of anything. If I “came out”…or whatever, they would ve disowned me. Even tho my mother disowned me couple of times without any coming out
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
At age 18 I came out as a heterosexual male to my parents.
Panamared · 70-79, M
You have to be the person you were meant to be
BabyDolls · 22-25, T

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