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What is your opinion about Blaire White, the right-wing YouTuber?

She’s a right-wing YouTuber and she’s trans, MtF. She’s in a relationship with a straight identifying man and she is open about her thoughts on political topics.
She’s mid 20s.

This is her:
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JammieDodgerHeart · 26-30, F
I think she's very smart and has good opinions and insights. I wouldn't call her right wing at all, she seems liberal
JammieDodgerHeart · 26-30, F
@MarieJaneWatson Huh? I don't really know what you're talking about but I think you might be harsh on her. She does have bold opinions as someone who has gone through transition. Like I notice your the whole trans thing is a mental illness video that bothered you but I think you misunderstood it. I think she was just pointing out that trans people do suffer mentally because they feel in the wrong body. It's really gender dysmorphia, like body dysmorphia gives you a mental struggle as well. Also kids shouldn't be given hormone blockers because what if they grow up and regret it? Because they might think they're trans as a kid because they don't fit their gender role. Like I was kind of a tom boy as a kid because I grew up around 2 brothers and I wanted to be like them but as teen and adult I like being a girl and are much more girly lol so I think there's something to her insights that can be taken away from that. I know it's a sensitive subject but I think she has good intentions
MarieJaneWatson · 26-30, T
@JammieDodgerHeart Jammie Dodger is a female to male YouTuber. I thought you picked your name because you liked him. Do you just happen to have the same name then? :)
JammieDodgerHeart · 26-30, F
@MarieJaneWatson I picked jammie dodger because it's a biscuit with a heart shape in the middle lol and I like them 🤣 have no clue about trans YouTuber
PoizonApple · 41-45, F
Right wing and trans? How's that work?
PoizonApple · 41-45, F
@fancyboy they should be
fancyboy · 61-69, M
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666Maggotz · F
He’s annoying lol

DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
Each to their own
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
I see Blaire White only gaining a pass from most people because she looks like the stereotypical female that males love. That's the only reason the far right even accepts her. It's no different than the odd study of black far righters who are on websites that have very racist posts and other things. The same crowd that accused Obama of not having a birth certificate because let's be honest, he's black or called him names for looking mixed race.

It's weird and I don't understand it but I do feel like Blaire has a lot of internalized oppression of sorts, I think she's gained privileges from looking like she does so she benefits from having those viewpoints.
MarieJaneWatson · 26-30, T
@SatanBurger Blaire lives with a lot of unhappiness. I think she feels not good enough because her family wants nothing to do with her.
That’s why she resorts to YouTube.
The alt righters are hypocrites though. They call trans women who have neovaginas men and call it open wounds, but Blaire who wants to keep snoopy and the boys down there was told that she was a beautiful female, by those very same alt righters. So hypocrite.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Her ideas about trans identity are out of step with reality and her politics suck. She also attacks trans people for not passing so 0/10. But I mean there's worse people out there and she's still a person jut trying to get by. There will always be people out there with politics against their own self interest.

I linked a ContraPoints video to your other question. She has some good stuff on Blair White too.
supersnipe · 61-69, M
Bored with all this stuff
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MarieJaneWatson · 26-30, T
@MalteseFalconPunch She just parrots popular right-wing views but in my opinion is just a wannabe-MAGA who just wants to belong somewhere. Her family rejected her. I think she is lonely inside and wants to be loved and as a result resorts to YouTube.
gurlwatcher22 · 61-69, M
I'd hit it from the left or the right,lol.
NativeOregonian · 51-55
You cannot be right wing and Trans, your own party will never support you.
NativeOregonian · 51-55
@fancyboy Are you truly that fucking stupid? Right wingers are notoriously super religious and think anyone Trans is an abomination and going straight to hell. Did your mama feed you paint chips growing up?
fancyboy · 61-69, M
@NativeOregonian Are they super religious? I don't like using my personal experiences as examples, but I know a lot of right-leaning individuals who openly mock religion and deride believers. So, you may be painting with a broad brush. I also know many practicing Christians whose politics are definitely left-of-center, so you may want to recheck your sources......

But let's say I truly am "that fucking stupid". Maybe you could provide some factual evidence to support your claim! Keep it simple, though, so I'm able to comprehend......
NativeOregonian · 51-55
@fancyboy I have had enough of your bullshit the past two days, blocked.
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NativeOregonian · 51-55
@HeilHitler Exactly
MarieJaneWatson · 26-30, T
@HeilHitler She is of the opinion that being trans is a mental illness but that the coping mechanism for that mental illness is transitioning.
She is also against putting kids on puberty blockers but she believes that trans women who went through male puberty should not be able to compete in women’s sports. So she is actually against the existence of trans women in general. Either that or she just says what alt-right wants to hear. Blaire is pretty but not exactly clever.
NativeOregonian · 51-55
@MarieJaneWatson She sounds very confused and hypocritical.
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MarieJaneWatson · 26-30, T
@sludgefeastII You should read the comments on her YouTube videos: because she is pretty the rednecks give her a free pass. Some openly admit to want to sleep with her. It’s trans women like Riley Dennis who get the hate: the ones who don’t pass well and are into women. Not fair but such is life I guess...
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MarieJaneWatson · 26-30, T
@sludgefeastII I know rednecks who openly advocate for trans-admirers to be considered heterosexual but who simultaneously think being trans is a mental disorder and health care for trans people shouldn’t cover gender reassignment surgery. That’s how hypocrite some are lol
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