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Do you find being Bi conflicting?

Do you desire what you don't have at the moment?
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Tiredish · F
No, i know what / who I like, and Im comfortable with it as is whomever Im dating.

Much easier now as I've lived a bit though.
Tiredish · F
@SarawithouttheH Aww thank you! Its not confidence per sey, its just living a life where at sometime I had to stop caring what others thought about my choices and start living for me. 😘
@Tiredish Y seem a vey confident strong person don't let anyone change you😘
Tiredish · F
@lonelybigirl I seem way only bc of a hard past. Thank you lonelybigirl 😘
Not any more but I found it very difficult when I was young
oldercanuck1 · 70-79, M
@SarawithouttheH everything good now
Gmoney601 · 36-40, F
biandlargeny · 56-60, M
@Gmoney601 it gets easier
JayneA · 41-45, F
No there is no doubt, no time for ambiguity of thought, when you suddenly see that person, the chemistry is immediate, I know she is Dominant, she knows my submission will happen. There is no conflict within the mind just pure anticipation of what may happen and how far my limits will be pushed.
@JayneA so nice (and hot) to hear that you know yourself and what you need!
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
Not really because I am not into men
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Torpedocat99 · 46-50, MVIP
Not at all, do you?
daddybloke · 46-50, M
it can sometimes but my wife is very understanding and has always known i am bi i am not promiscuous and have two male FWB i play with only these 2 more often than not she will join in with us and enjoys watching us fuck
@daddybloke How wonderful she must love you very much to not only want you to have the pleasure you desire but to find pleasure in watching you!... Or she is just a twisted lady with is very cool too!!Hahahahah
daddybloke · 46-50, M
@SarawithouttheH i think the latter is probably closer to the truth horny,twisted lady
@daddybloke Hahahahah i like her already LOL
ThaiGirl · 26-30, F
No conflicts
Enjoy best of both worlds ;)
@ThaiGirl always breaks down to the person though!
Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M
@ThaiGirl That's very true... I just wish I could mix them once in awhile :-)
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butterfly1013 · 26-30, F
I mean for some people that can be the case, but not all bisexual beings are the same. For most being bi isn't about having one while missing the other. That label just says that I can be happy with either gender and I don't discriminate against the two. I am bisexual, but can never miss what I Never had. Have only been with men, but I am also attracted to females. We can change between the two, not necessarily want them both at the same time or desire one more than the other if that makes sense.
Nudistsue26 · 31-35, F
I don't think so
Remmy · F
I did but I have it sorted out now
@Remmy Good for you a task I have never mastered LOL
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
Perhaps for some it can be conflicting but that isn't usually the case.
@Adaydreambeliever Thank You just trying to get prospective from others!
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@addicted Do you miss something of you when you are with the other?
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biandlargeny · 56-60, M
@addicted I'm the same way
nudedad78 · 46-50, M
No. I’m completely happy being bi
@nudedad78 Self assurance is a wonderful thing!
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@samnsi Ooo naughty girls Likey Likey hahahah
samnsi · 41-45, C
@lonelybigirl i likey naughty girls mmm
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Rubytuesdays · 90-99, F
@Rubytuesdays That sounds sad! Seems to take a great bit of joy out of life!😕
rachelsj · 22-25, F
VisionQuest · 51-55, M
There was a time when I had a female fwb and a male fwb. It was great!
I don't desire men emotionally, it is all about the sex. That being said, I have no problems with monogamy. I may occasionally masturbate to gay porn, but I don't feel an urge to cheat.
@VisionQuest You have had your experiences Glad you are comfortable with who you are and you having your fwb kind hot Hahahahha
No, not conflicted unless the person Im with at the time has issues with it. You enjoy what you enjoy.
@TallMtnMedic that is abut for some of us it is hard for us o understand or explain our desires😔
@SarawithouttheH Definitely!
@SarawithouttheH I get that, believe me. Thats why you find litte groups, or 1 or 2 people that can offer insight and support. So you're not alone.
BlueVeins · 22-25
No, to me it's no more conflicting than being monogamous.
@BlueVeins Oooo interesting perspective!
cd4259 · 61-69, M
Always greener on the other side. I just want to take down the fence and enjoy both sides
No, I pretty much got it figured out.
@BohemianBabe good for you, you must be a quick study LOL
@lonelybigirl I had to practice a lot.
gdon39 · 46-50, M
It’s not conflicting to me. The only issue I have is Having like wants and someone who is a good person but kinky and very naughty.
@gdon39 I'm curious what constitutes kinky to you? lol
gdon39 · 46-50, M
What do I think is kinky? I read my response to the post and find myself wondering what I would find kinky? I really can’t imagine what I was thinking when I posted that.

I’m very kinky if you will. I’m not afraid of who I am, and I like things far from conventional. I guess I’ll have to think about it 😊😋@SarawithouttheH
It’s not
@SW-User It is good thing to have clarity!
sometimes but its okay
cd4259 · 61-69, M
At times very much so as I want, desire and need both sexes
Absolutely not. It’s who I am with that gets my affections and attention. The sex attached to it is part of that package.
@SW-User Well stated, lucky people they are !
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melbeacher · 61-69, M
Yes sometimes !
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@nadine It's not as easy as people think!
CdAshley · 51-55, M
Bi curious at times.
Danerol · 36-40, M
I want to explore it more but just still early days
@Danerol everybody deserves to be them selves and revel in what they long for!
Danerol · 36-40, M
@SarawithouttheH this is true but I just can't in my current situation and I think it's playing on me mentally a bit
enjoyingitnow · 61-69, M
@Danerol it will definitely rock your world and put you in hunter mode. Enjoy
Lovelivelaugh · 41-45, F
I dont think being bi is conflicting, I find it conflicting that I keep it my secret
@Jimthere4fun difficult to hide yourself to live life as only half of your being... I wish you well!
@Jimthere4fun I have same conflict.
@timetogo2021 We don't choose who or how we are hour hungers and desires are our own! You deserve to be YOU!!
bert199 · 51-55, M
I’ve been admittedly, feeling a little bicurious lately. But I suppose I don’t find it conflicting. I’d rather just have it all :-)
SilkandLace2 · 46-50, M
@bert199 why's that?
@bert199 Hmmm bicourious lately? have you ever acted on your impulses ? have any experiences in your youth you remember fondly?
bert199 · 51-55, M
@SarawithouttheH I have not, and it would be a first.
SnipingSvelte · 26-30, F
not in my mind, and not with people who know me well
whatever i desire i go after, i won't limit myself to only 1 partner
biandlargeny · 56-60, M
@SnipingSvelte beautifully said
@SnipingSvelte hopefully when you find someone you are interested in, you discuss this, get agreement and set boundaries. Too many times people try to hide. The road is littered with many wrecked relationships due to secrets....
Bi and monogamous are not mutually exclusive.
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
@bijouxbroussard No, they aren’t....I have always been monogamous with any partner I’ve had.
@bijouxbroussard You don't think so? being with one person but still having desires for the other gender?
@SarawithouttheH No. Some people use it as an excuse to cheat, but that’s on them. As a friend explains it, “being bi means I’m capable of being happy with a male or female partner, not that I have to have one of each. I can commit to one person.”
Danerol · 36-40, M
Danerol · 36-40, M
@lonelybigirl this is true and I feel more people should be confident and comfortable in who they are and stop trying to be someone else just to please someone
@Danerol That is well said!
Danerol · 36-40, M
@SarawithouttheH thank you
doodatt · 61-69, M
I don't find it a conflict. I still like the ladies but I'm getting more and more attracted to guys.
@doodatt the honesty of your soul revealing itself, possibly?
doodatt · 61-69, M
@SarawithouttheH It looks to be that way
oldercanuck1 · 70-79, M
Was when i was in the military but not now ,,
@oldercanuck1 Imagine i was tough , friends and comrads but with hidden feeling deep down!! you did well!
oldercanuck1 · 70-79, M
@SarawithouttheH thank you yes it was not permitted back in the day ,, you had to be careful or not at all ,, not like today ,, open and enjoy ,,
No but my dad did. It was kept a family secret for far too many years.
rfhh1959 · 61-69, M
@olderCanuck Torn between obligations and desires
olderCanuck · 70-79, M
@rfhh1959 Yes was there for a long time myself then I thought life is to short ,, and went ahead ,,,
@rfhh1959 @rfhh1959 Oooo I like that sounds almost like a song or book title, very descriptive!
Honestly no
@SarawithouttheH Indeed. Plus being in constant chastity helps.
@SW-User Hmmm what ever works for you long as it fulfills you wants and dreams
@SarawithouttheH Of course, I have to be a good gurl!
Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M
Always :-) I wish I could have both at the same time all the time !
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
Yeah I know it's late lol
@ozgirl512 good for you!!
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
retiredbum · 56-60
In the beginning yes, now I'm very comfortable with myself
doodatt · 61-69, M
I don’t feel it’s conflicting, l just want experience guys.

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