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Struggling, need help...

1.) I don't trust anyone and I never want to see these people

a. My dad (was never really a dad to me)
b. Old co-workers (stalking)(harassment)
c. Former friend (stealing)(lying)(stalking)
d. My brother(assault)(lying)(stalking)

2.) I have no where to go I tried leaving the state, they followed me. I've had to quit three jobs because they talk to the people I work with. I tried living/working at a hostel but they followed me there. I tried going to a homeless shelter they followed me there and I was getting death threats and shit which I really don't care, but they followed me there too.

3.) I try to workout at the gym and I get harassed. I tried going to the cops and they threw me into the fcking hospital. Everytime I leave the house people follow me around.

I don't want to live anymore and there's no one that I can go to for help. I don't talk to anyone one now because I think they are in on it. I've told my mom and a couple siblings about it and they all blew me off and made it seem like I was talking nonsense. I feel stuck and unable to enjoy the things I used to. If I go to the coffee shop or library I always see former coworkers. I want to press charges. But every time I call I get told to call someone else or that they'll get back to me and I never get called back. I don't currently have a phone because I've been out of work. I've been miserable for so long now and I don't know what to do.

Any tips or if you've had similar problems please let me know how you got over it.
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gummybears · F
I don’t get it.. why would they do it.. it’s weird and kinda evil

I’ve never experienced anything like that and I don’t I don’t really know what to say.. but stay strong
Carazaa · F
So sorry that you have been stressed out, and people have bothered you. Fantastic that you exercise! You will be ok if you try to take good care of yourself and eat nutritionally and meditate. Lots of omega 3, and complete amino acids, and keep a nice and calm environment, and meditate. Try Dr wilsons auditory meditation online for an hr every day. That will help calm the nerves. I will pray for you too!
Carazaa · F
People are very self absorbed nowadays but if you are kind they will be kind too. I would love them all, regardless how they treat you. Only then can there be healing. Jesus wants us to love our enemies and pray for those who despitefully use us. I wouldn't worry about everyone. Try to take good care of yourself. Eat nutritionally and get good sleep. God will help and protect you. Don't worry! If we were mistreated as a child we can easily think everyone hates us and is out to get us, but they aren't. They are just not friendly.
Dabelletree909 · 26-30
still currently going through the same thing now for myself. i will never understand people like that . i do feel like there are people who get off of these things ,but the unknown disorder called narcissism is really at its all time high and neglect is never fun .
Wales · M
You can get a restraining order against an individual if you contact the police, but it seems you have already tried that. There are also ways to change your identity. People on high-profile juries can flee from their current location, assume a new name and whole new identity. You have left out details such as why these people keep coming after you. One way people stalk is on social media. Any accounts which show profiles of people known to you can be made private or deleted. Due to the Internet, people have unseen ways of tracking you in the states. My dream is to move to the United Kingdom and live in Cardiff, Wales. It seems like a much safer and friendlier place than anywhere in the states. The government uses tax money for good purposes like providing free medical care. European countries are known for providing social services to people who are treated far better than American citizens are treated by their own government.
Lostpoet · M
@Wales I don't want to change my name of move to a different country I like where I'm at and I did nothing to make it so I should have to move. I'm just tired of not being able to leave or go anywhere because I get messed with.

And I didn't do anything that would make alright for anyone to stalk me.
Iwillwait · M
@Lostpoet Who's stalking you?
Firechidist · 26-30, F
Sounds like to me you are being gangstalked. If that's the case congratulations because it means there's something beautiful and unique about you they hate. They are narcissists they will ruin your life. I'm dealing with narcissists and it's so hard. I've been dealing with a narcissist most of my life and I'm at a witsend on how to deal with it. Hang in there. Trusting God helps you go through it. I'm still waiting for God to vindicate me.
Iwillwait · M
I am sorry you're going through that.
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
I always found a ball peen hammer worked really well for getting rid of unwanted people.
Now there is one problem with that. If you do end up actually having to use the hammer there may be a five to 15 year penalty for it. But that would give you a chance to make new friends. :-)
Dainbramadge · 56-60, M
@Lostpoet You can always confront them calmly.
Don't do the hammer thing. You'll get a f***** up reputation for that.
When you see one of them following you just go up to them and ask them if they are. Then smile and say I have been seeing you around a lot. This will make note to them that they aren't as sneaky as they think.
Lostpoet · M
@Dainbramadge I did that they just denied it.
@Dainbramadge See, you are good at helping.
1) it's bad that you have to face it. But confront them about the fact that you don't want to keep in touch with them.

2) get married.

3) find a place where you can have easy access to work, gym and etc.

4) be strong.
Nebula · 41-45, F
Hey why are these people stalking you?
Lostpoet · M
@Carissimi I don't confront them i just leave and i don't know why they were following me around, but it's illegal and it wasn't funny it was actually pretty traumatic. And it's gone on for years.
Carissimi · F
I don’t see how they can follow you around when they have jobs and homes themselves. And not to ask them after all these years of following you, makes no sense to me. Ask them. @Lostpoet
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purplegold39 · 41-45, F
Hi. Please look up TARGETED INDIVIDUALS, GANG STALKING & CULTS. I'm going through this same thing.
Bertie · 46-50, F
Wow, 😟 this is terrible! Wish I could say something that would be helpful. I'm sorry you are going through this and hope they get tired and leave you alone! 😔 Peace ☮️
Funlov · M
There’s lots of doctors on here people with psychology degrees lol I’m sure they’ll have something to say I can help you🤔
YoMomma ·
Sorry i didn't know you were going through all that..
wow so sorry what a horrible situation i have a firend in a very sitauiton it uscks cuase i cant really do naything for him but be there aND TET IM THERE WHICH IS GREAT BUT ATR SMAE TIME I CANT DO MUCH OF ANYTHING FOR HIM LIKE HE CANT DO MUCH FEEL SO BAD FOR YOU I HOPE SOMETHING CHANGES GOOD LUCK
Legal action. Even if you just threaten them, you can get rid of 90 % of such ppl.
Lostpoet · M
@MissAnonymous I've tried legal action the cops don't do shit.
HumanEarth · F
Boy I can freaking relate to a lot of what your saying, especially my dad, My sister and my brother

Co workers not so much, I pretty much get into a fist fights with them.if need be.

Family thats another question, I can't just beat them up.

In my early years life was really bad, so bad I even thought about suicide.


Maybe the shit they put me though is the reason I crossdress.
Lostpoet · M
@HumanEarth It's good to know that people can relate. The whole co-worker thing it's just they were recording me and following me around and I was running away. They weren't doing it out of maliciousness, but still being followed around and not knowing when or if someone is just going to show up is stressful. And when I went to the cops I shouldn't have been treated like I have been and people have continued to mess with me and they are able to because the cops won't do anything.
HumanEarth · F
@Lostpoet I did have this one thing with one co worker like decades ago.

They took a folklift and put my car on the roof.

I went to jail for this, but he lost his job.

I found him in the parking lot and I beat the living hell out him. I was so mad that I blackout and don't remember attacking him.

When I came out of the blackout, 4 people were pulling me off of him.

I don't know if he went to hospital or not that day, because I went to jail for 3 weeks for it.

But I never seen the dude again and he never showed up for court. So the battery charge was dropped
That’s terrible but stay strong. Karma will get them one day. I’m sure they will leave you alone if they have a damn life. I don’t understand stalkers. They are the worst people on earth.
Lostpoet · M
@SW-User This has been going on for years now.
@Lostpoet take care of yourself and try to ignore those mfs
Hey man I’ve known you for awhile shoot me a dm I can offer some thoughts. I’m sorry you’re dealing w this

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