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Mass shootings by young males

What is it about 18-20 year old males that makes them want to take semi automatic rifles, go to a public place and shoot as many people as they can before they either shoot them selves or make a fast get away - like a true coward.
What makes them do such a thing?
There are still mass shootings waiting to happen at your local shopping mall or movie theatre in the coming days.
redredred · M
He was an ugly incel who couldn’t get laid. The Highland Park shooting was a typical weekend in Chiraq, the difference here is Highland Park is a lily-white suburb that outlawed “asssult rifles” and most all the victims were white.

The body count of black teenagers who shoot each other in Chicago doesn’t make the news.
redredred · M
@windinhishair why would I read anything you recommend? Seriously, do you know anyone who takes you for anything but comic relief in life?
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@redredred You wouldn't read anything I recommend, because I don't traffic in baseless conspiracy theories and racial and immigrant hatred. Lots of people take me seriously, but not people like you who have a tenuous grasp on reality. However, people who believe in data and science and reality do.
@redredred This
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Libs wanting infamy
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@SumKindaMunster That's a swing and a miss!
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
summersmiles · 51-55, F
@windinhishair what's really disturbing about these propaganda sites is they literally Photoshop shit and manipulate/edit video to fool their readers. So they themselves are fully aware they're spreading lies, as opposed to redredred here who obviously can't figure out he's being lied to .
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@summersmiles He has always been this clueless and misled, but he's proud of it.
justanothername · 51-55, M
It’s also my under standing that the 2nd amendment allows you to bare arms for the purposes of self defense. I didn’t see any requirements for self defense when an 18 year old stands on top of a building and fires down on a crowd of people or a parade.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@helenS semi not auto
helenS · 36-40, F
@MasterLee Thank you. 🌷
Slade · 56-60, M
@justanothername is that supposed to be profound?
MrSmooTh · 31-35, M
What's stopping them though? They know no one else has a gun so they can't fight back. Their idea is go kill as many people as possible until the police show up. Now, if everyone was allowed to open carry these things wouldn't happen, because you wouldn't have to wait for the police to show up. The crazy person shows up with a gun and starts shooting, random person #1 pulls out their pistol and caps the motherfucker and everyone goes about their business. Go look at some of the active shooter situations where people who were able to open carry were able to stop it before people died.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Montanaman Not the sole answer, but very definitely a part of the solution. Unfortunately, this is a case where a few have ruined it for the rest of the people who want to use these kinds of weapons. We won't make significant progress until the ready availability of these weapons is decreased.
Montanaman · M
@windinhishair I'm afraid it's too late. 😔
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Montanaman It is too late for now. It is never too late for the future. If we start doing the right things now, things will improve slowly but inexorably.
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
It may be nearly impossible to know for sure why young males do these mass shootings. The important thing is to deprive them of the means, by enacting a Federal Assault Weapons Ban, this time with no expiration date.

We also need much stricter control of handguns. A gun owners license should be required to buy handguns and ammo, with photo and fingerprints, and a mandatory gun safety training class.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@badminton everyone I know has more than that. Everyone with a ccw has training and recurring training.
@MasterLee Agreed
[image/video deleted]
Slade · 56-60, M
@badminton tiresome cliches.🤮 EVERY weapon is a weapon of war
helenS · 36-40, F
Those guys have always existed, and they will always exist. Mankind will never change.
Question is whether or not suicidal mass murderers can get hold of a semi-automatic gun. It's more difficult to kill 25 people with a paper knife, although not entirely impossible.
justanothername · 51-55, M
@helenS You guys are having a mass shooting a week right now. The rate is continuing to increase. No other country in the world has mass shootings as often as the US.
helenS · 36-40, F
@justanothername I wanted to say that mass shootings will always happen if and only if the necessary tools are easily available. In a country where people sell semi-automatic guns like other shop-owners sell lawn mowers, nobody should be too surprised about the outcome.
justanothername · 51-55, M
@helenS You would be correct. No other country as amendments like the US. You also pay the price of human life for the interpretation of that amendment.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Given this guy is a mentally ill antifa democrat but I repeat myself.
BlueVeins · 22-25
Shit ton of young men feel disengaged in their daily life. So they act.
dakotaviper · 56-60, M
The Mass Casualty Video Game Culture is the answer that you're looking for. And the sense that they'll never be ignored again.
Carissimi · F
You say it as though all 18-20 year old males want to do this. It’s a minority of very troubled young men.
TinyViolins · 31-35, M
They're rejecting the society that rejected them. Social isolation is painful, and it appears that they would rather lash out than confront that pain.

People in that age range, but particularly males, are highly impulsive, self-absorbed, and desperate for validation. A mass shooting helps them to satisfy all of the above.

They're applying a short-term "solution" instead of the harder and more long-term process of resocialization
Really? Sounds like his music had over a million followers and his net worth was around 100K. So, not really buying into the “no one loves me” angle. I would be interested in what prescribed medications he was on (or not taking) but we never get that kind of information. @TinyViolins
CestManan · 46-50, F
@TinyViolins Especially because when people are young adults, they are told they are suppose to be a "real" man or "real" woman but are not really given much opportunity to do so.

Not man enough, not woman enough, oh you already done screwed up your whole life by doing whatever.

The guys face a lot of social rejection and the girls are treated like pieces of meat. Who the hell wouldn't be p^ssed off?
TinyViolins · 31-35, M
@stratosranger One of the lyrics to his songs repeat the chorus: "Living the dream, nothing's real. I just want to scream 'f*ck this world'"

As far as his net worth goes, it was self-reported and likely just another example of rappers bragging about things they don't actually have
Oster1 · M
Study more deeply. In almost all cases, there is outside help. I wonder, from where? 🤔
justanothername · 51-55, M
@Oster1 it’s still the ease of obtaining the weapons is at issue.
Oster1 · M
@justanothername Yeah, but how easily, was it facilitated?
justanothername · 51-55, M
@Oster1 either illegally or the gun shop owner wasn’t following process.
Montanaman · M
They are seriously mentally ill.
...I carry concealed.
rrraksamam · 31-35, M
Cowards can't kill.
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
@rrraksamam Wrong. Give a gun to a coward and they will shoot everything in sight. It makes them feel powerful.
rrraksamam · 31-35, M

Lemme guess: did you view Dylann Roof as a hero for entering a room with 9 unarmed people and killing them all?
rrraksamam · 31-35, M
@badminton Okay
CestManan · 46-50, F
Young males are the most violent creatures in existence.
Testosterone is a poison and young males have a lot of it running through their brains.
helenS · 36-40, F
@CestManan Some use their excess testosterone to play a mean bass guitar though.
Montanaman · M
AbbySvenz · F
Here is an interview with two professors who have studied mass shootings, and the shooters themselves:
BigBulge · 41-45, M
Gross misinterpretation of the Second Amendment to the Constitution
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@BigBulge liberals can't read
It's American culture the problem.
helenS · 36-40, F
@Spunkylama There is no such thing as "American culture". America is everything: good, bad, proud, mean, ugly, black, white, rainbow, beautiful. Usually America is beautiful.
@helenS Oh sorry, I should clarify. America's obsession and "gun rights" that are not to be changed. Oh it's something alright, I'd say stupid for believing that a person's right to a gun is more important than the lives of children.
Notanymore · 36-40, M
Research the rats of nimh
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
Everything is fine.
MethDozer · M
Kids are being raised by xbox amd playstation meanwhile every social problem they face grwoing up is handled and solved for them by an adult.
Kids are so socially sheltered these days and then stuck in front of computer generated violence simulators for release it's no wonder the explosion of socially awkward an inept psychopaths looking for an outlet has popped up.
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CestManan · 46-50, F
@RogueLoner Like this highly realistic graphics shooting game?

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helenS · 36-40, F
@RogueLoner I played "Doom", when I was a young girl.

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