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Dirty FBI Asks Americans to Report Crime to Them in Recent Tweet – Then Are Overwhelmed with Reports on Their Own Criminal Activity

Three crooks who illegally conspired against Donald Trump: Jim Comey, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama

The FBI on Monday asked Americans to help them protect the country by reporting criminal activity to them at 800-225-5324.

You can imagine the responses!

The FBI is the leading criminal organization in America today!

The FBI:
** Spied on President Trump based on phony information
** Lied to the American people about spying on Trump
** Hid the Hunter laptop
** Still can’t find the Hunter laptop
** Lied about the laptop
** Lied to the American public during Trump’s impeachment knowing Trump did nothing wrong
** Sent operatives to the US Capitol on January 6
** Infiltrated the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers
** Raided homes of their political opposition
** Raided the opposition candidate’s home on junk charges
** Ignored Hunter Biden’s hundreds of crimes
** Set up poor white men in Michigan
** Ignored Biden Family treasonous deals
** Lied about investigating the criminal acts in the 2020 election

And just yesterday – on Monday – we discovered the FBI censored Americans who did not support Ukrainian War.

There truly is no other governmental body that is as dangerous and crooked as the FBI.

Do you think the FBI was surprised that we are paying attention?
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You might be living in a dictatorship if federal law enforcement is weaponized against political opponents and citizens.

Maybe they are surprised. The DC bubble is small and out of touch with reality
AbbeyRhode · F
I don't think they really care. With all that we now know, what is actually being done about it?
The comments were gold..
100% of ppl wanting to report the Bidens and the FBI… lolz
akindheart · 61-69, F
i just saw on IG that Matt Gaetz is asking if surveillance was used in churches???
Spotpot · 46-50, M
Its nort the fault of FBI rhat Trump as president chose to suround himself with criminals
You'll change your tune should Trump get into power so I'll dismiss your whinging as irrelevant.
Namor69 · 41-45, M
bunch of damn crooks. they are the ones who should be behind bars.
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Budwick · 70-79, M
None of those were crimes in a court of law. Only fake assertions with little evidence.

Crimes don't need to be committed in a court room - duh!

And the amount of evidence is overwhelming.

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