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It's an interesting thought, as the uncool boomers get greedier and leave less and less behind...

It might be wise to take very good care of yourself and take advantage of a second chance. Such as going back to college midlife and starting a new career, or open a side business. A lot of people my age and younger are already gaining these skills because of societies flops. Working multiple jobs and side hustles. Maybe we can't retire, so maybe we shouldn't kill ourselves for these dollars.

I wish they'd leave us some healthcare though ffs. At least acknowledge how big of a fail it is we monopolized insurance and don't have universal care. You can have your money but don't feck with our livelihood.

Just thoughts of how to make the best of the future. I think in another 20 years we won't be able to deny that the boomers can't run the show anymore. Then we can write the truth about history, so we learn from the past and create a better future. I have faith in the younger generations. I think striving for perfection and greatness is conceited and wasteful. We're all just feckin people.

Don't give up 🖤
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SageWanderer · 70-79, M
I feel this will be the first generation that will not be as well off as their parents. The struggle for many is real and my children’s only hope is if I die before healthcare and nursing homes eat up my assets. I’m sorry for the world we’re leaving for you.
@SageWanderer We will just have to figure out a way to make it. Tbh I think the focus on wealth is beat to death. We've been so focused on it we've lost our communities and our wisdom. I'm giving up on the idea of wealth and retirement and I'm just going to do the best with what I got. Our communities could take care of elders... It's all become a money making game.

You don't need to be sorry. It's not all the boomers that's for sure, just the greedy ones and the ones that need to control and tell you how it should be. It just needs to stop.
@Lilymoon thank you. I think it's just time to start thinking of a new way and wait it out I guess. I definitely believe in these kids though.
CougarLisa · 36-40, F
Gee... I don't know? My parents are boomers and they are leaving their kids a bunch of money and properties...
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@CougarLisa I doubt your parents raised you to pretend to be a man posing as a divorced female who sleeps with her kid on the internet 🤡
@SatanBurger didn't realize that's what that was. Amazing they think we're effed up
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@MarbleMarvel Yeah they're one of those weird profiles
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@Bexsy Mad Science!!! 😵‍💫
@MarbleMarvel perfect 😈
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@Bexsy Americans voted for a 'concept' of healthcare, so at least you have that 😀
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
You can't stop people accumulating excessive wealth so it seems . . but they could at least have the decency to pay all of their taxes.
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
So you want to rewrite history? To whose version?
@Musicman the truth. All the information is out there actually. I learned a lot in my travels. But if we limit access to it, and act like there's political motivation behind it, we're doing history injustice.

I stopped at visited history museums across the country. I recommend it. Get different perspectives for yourself instead of relying on a politician to tell you what to believe.
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
@MarbleMarvel So enlighten us. Tell us a truth.
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