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RebelFox · 36-40, F
Cursing adds emotion to your vocabulary, thus improving it
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
What many fail to recognize, this author included, is that cursing in a original way promotes creativity.
So instead of the borish h*ll, you should strive to be more creative in your swearing.
Does that inflame the piles of your rectum between gapping crevasses of your mountainous glutamous maximus or what? 🙃😈😆
So instead of the borish h*ll, you should strive to be more creative in your swearing.
Does that inflame the piles of your rectum between gapping crevasses of your mountainous glutamous maximus or what? 🙃😈😆
bookerdana · M
I saw an advert for a book "make money fast"..I ordered it and the only word in it was "sucker"
UnderLockDown · M
Good luck.😂
OogieBoogie · F
You could always make your swearing a vocab booster by swearing in another language .
That's what my kids did 😏
That's what my kids did 😏
Pretzel · 61-69, M
@OogieBoogie when I was in high school taking french we learned the dirty words first :)
UnderLockDown · M
@Pretzel That's actually very effective with many languages.
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Pretzel · 61-69, M
@allygator18 I'll have to check it out! (can you still cuss ? :) )