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Have you changed over the years and how?

We all do... everything does..

We get mature in life by living it...
JupiterDreams · 31-35
I'm a lot more confident 😯
MaliaAgain · 36-40, F
I got fat, I lost weight, had some babies, got fat again .... that about covers it
Iwillwait · M
Yes, my hair is less, I eyes are less, I am less.
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
tremendously. I have been clawing my way to growth
I believe in not "fixing" mistakes but embracing and consolidating them and that way they can be food for later wisdom.

and its important to learn from them and not make them again

the only way to grow is to have starting points and not be afraid of former blindnesses etc....
I have yes, I'm not as angry as I was.
smiler2012 · 56-60
{@castortroy] yes i have lightened up found a sense of humour not to be offended by peoples harmless jokes
I am more cautious with people and more skeptical of everything I read or hear.
I have less expectations about people.
But my heart is still the same
Of course. I'm getting a headache just thinking about it. Lol
assemblingaknob · 26-30, F
I thought I had.
But I haven't.
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CastorTroy · 31-35, M
@swirlie I think dreams matter. I don't mean the airy kind of dreams that never come true but ones that we have where we can use the resources we have available to make it happen, it's in this way I mean that they can produce tangible results.
I suppose really I mean goals and not dreams so much, but either way, you need them to put them into action to make them a reality. Voila!
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CastorTroy · 31-35, M
@swirlie Thanks, Swirlie. I will take a look at the book. I agree we do have ourselves to blame for what we bring into our lives whether good or bad and I think sometimes it has a lot to do with regret but we have the power to change it, and I think we should celebrate the positives no matter how small.

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