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Do u think I cut my bangs too short?

Bonus my sexy eyeballs*Deleted*
I got rid of my dyed bangs but I cut it when wet and they shrunk now that they're dry😒
Ducky · 31-35, F
Not at all, pretty girl! ☺️ Looks great and it accentuates your little Latina eyes.
Juvia · 18-21, F
@Ducky I had made a decision not to leave the house for a bit lmfao.
Never cut curly hair wet
but now it's too late
So oh well 🥲
NerdySoph · 26-30, F
It looks okay to me. It grows fast though, so no worries :)
Juvia · 18-21, F
@NerdySoph I miss my long bangs
NerdySoph · 26-30, F
@Juvia The good news is, people probably wont notice because your eyes would take most of the attention :D

But i understand, it will be in your mind all the time, i know how that feels :)
They are not real eyes. Humans don't have eyes. I'm calling bullshit 😒
TexChik · F
Nope, pretty eyes are to be seen, not hidden. And the best thing is it will all grow back in a few weeks if you decide you cant stand it. But from this angle, you look just fine.
speefw00f112 · 31-35, M
this is like the third time already a sexy eyeballs picture thread gets shuttered on me by the time i click on it, i swear...
JovialMoose · 46-50, M
If I had to guess... it probably looks like Nora's hair from the Amazon series Upload. She does short hair very well. It will look fine.
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
Naw you're good, it'll grow again anyway. Nice eyes btw
DerSilberneKonig1 · 22-25, M
eyes lookin shmexy af, hair looks great too
HannahSky · F
No. With your curly hair it looks great.
It looks fine to me, Lovely eyes btw.
Juvia · 18-21, F
@mindstruggle So I can go outside at least😂
deadteddy · 26-30, F
It’s short but you don’t look bad.
Nah it's cute and they grow back fast.
mayguy · 46-50, M
Super cute with 👀 to match! 😛
Classified · M
Seems sufficiently long to me
I think your hair looks adorable
Livingwell · 61-69, M
Always such pretty eyes my friend.
I think looks really cute
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
Fabulous hair, gorgeous eyes!!
Degbeme · 70-79, M
I personally don`t think you did.
80s vibes but it's darn cute
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Totally works with the curly hair.
macedgirl · 16-17, F
you are so cute, idc how short ur bangs are, they are BANGINGGGGG
Juvia · 18-21, F
@deathfairy Thanks😊
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
It looks so good to me. You’re so pretty 🩷
empanadas · 31-35, M
Legit thought this a post from @UndercoverBard because of the word short

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