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agetheweebeast · 41-45, M
I always feel like I'd have enjoyed the pirate days, except for the fact that I would very likely have died really young. I love the idea of it but if I had a DeLorean for the weekend, I would most likely go to the 50s, in America. Girls with long hair and dresses, men with shirt hair and men clothes. Muscle cars, rock and roll.
Bri89 · 31-35, M
Sometimes, but also I feel like I was born at the right time, only the time period that I liked is behind me, the late 90s early to mid-00s, and now I feel as though I do not belong in this current time period.
Deceased · M
Constantly. I should of been in my twenties during the 80's for real.
Follow your bliss
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
MrGomco · 36-40, M
Yes, in 2022 people are so fragile, boring and pathetic, I would like to have 15 in 1975.
How about the 1550’s? You can sail the sea and people were a ton tougher!@MrGomco
you were probably a pirate in a past life
caccoon · 36-40
Pirates still exist so
Not like before. It’s about the era 🤌@caccoon