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Do you hate being labeled?

I don't know about you, but one of my biggest pet peeves is having certain labels slapped on me because of my views and opinions. I am a human being, thank you 🤷‍♀️.
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acupaday · 46-50, F
I think people find a little too much comfort in labeling others. It’s seen as an easy way to cast others to the side and feel higher on the imaginary power totem pole without having to look at themselves for the real reasoning for why they feel the need to label in the first place. I’ve labeled others without thinking twice, and I’ve definitely been labeled by those who did the same. It’s not the greatest thing to be on either end of and it’s a part of the whole judging thing that can get out of hand if we don’t see it for the level of hatred, ignorance, failures within ourselves that it actually feeds into.
@acupaday I agree with this. I try not to label people, but every now and then I might end up doing it without realizing it.
It's at least subconsciously intentional to box you into a rigid set of ideological categories. Everybody talks about 'thinking outside the box' but precious few believe in it. Also, once they stick that label on you, they never again hear what you're saying or see what you're doing.
We have that in common. I don't have to try to not label anyone, I just don't do it. People are people. And we all have the same value. ALL of us. No exceptions.
DollyPop · 18-21, F
I wish I had labels on me, at least then I would have an idea of who I am anymore.
Humans have a fascinating need for order of some type even when they say they don't. Should anyone feel the urge to classify me he/she is hereby notified of my total disinterest.
Yes, I tend to avoid letting people get to know me because I'm sick and tired of being labeled. No, I'm not necessarily what they're thinking. I'm not a stereotype.
MrRobinson · 51-55, M
rarely are labels, particularly from strangers, endearing.
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vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
I’m used to it. Everyone assumes stuff until they get to know me
Mona86 · C
Like what?@DeluxedEdition
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@Mona86 people like to stereotype me as a "southern american" 😂 and people stereotype me for my age and the way i present myself
I'm called a hippie often enough and I don't mind. It's when people want to stuff you into certain ideals with labels...usually in negative ways that really get to me and sometimes, the people get to know that. 😈
Antivaxxer, vaxxer, selfish, responsible, stupid, smart.... the list just keeps going... and I really don't care until people start hating and saying nasty things about others.
That's just nasty to wish horrible things on others or to call them unkind names.
Some labels are just part of daily life and that's fine when done with good and decent intentions.
Labels can be another form of stuffing people into groups and seeing them all the same.
Piper · 61-69, F
Yes. I don't think very many people fit into any little box of traits, views or opinions.
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
yeah no one should be labeled. a person is too complex for that.
RoxClymer · 41-45, M
right out of the womb you are labled

it literally IS human nature, our brain like categorization.
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Mona86 · C
Neither should I
Yeah, I'm labeled as a creep bc I'm an old hippie & dress as such, along with my long hair. F*ck em all!
@bijouxbroussard Give me a couple min.
@DropTopDig Oh, neat !
ASLAN · 31-35, M
Doesn't bother me.. Cuz, I know who I am and doesn't give a fuck about what others might think of me
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@ASLAN Now you wait just one damn minute. I don't take charity because I don't need charity. I earned this fair and square. And, you know what, mister? You know, I know it, and that little bottle you call courage knows it.
ASLAN · 31-35, M
@MarkPaul good night Mark..
You have good one 🖕🏼
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@ASLAN OMG. You have so much anger. You really need my help.
Pfuzylogic · M
They are sticky and hard to clean off.
Labels are easy. No one has to get to know you or ask what you actually think. 🙁
@bijouxbroussard Yes, labels are very convenient. They're good for holding onto prejudices and keeping people from getting to know each other.
@SW-User Welcome. I took my age off because I tired of people calling me an “old bat” and dismissing my opinions. I wasn’t ashamed of my age, just tired of it being a handy target for folks with no other argument to my points.
@bijouxbroussard Same -- I got called old, ugly hag etc. I also took my age off due to receiving a number of PMs from men who claim they're into "mature" women.😑 Since I blanked out the profile, I don't get as many nasty PMs.
You labeled me, I'll label you!
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Yes, I find it abhorrent. I don't like it. I don't like it one bit.
I'm very used to them that I don't mind them.
Having been labeled, (except by my own family) my entire life I'm pretty much over it. I take life much less seriously. Call me a queer and watch as I NOT cry.
Mona86 · C
What are you being labeled as?
theAlchemist · 56-60, M
I hate and resent being labeled, having been on the receiving end of a number of "false labels" over the years.
Zzxxxx · 56-60, M
Yeah ive been labeled as a drunk. But dont care what they think
Atlotto · M
I do not. Petty things like that never bother me.
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
Yea, people really make shit up in their heads
empanadas · 31-35, M
Yeah labels are limiting. Humans are more complex

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